So physically, mentally, emotionally, financially harsh and debilitating have the lockdowns been that now we see the planned entrance of
Does democratic freedom really encompass the spirit of “My body, my choice”? The COVID19 pandemic has brought a deluge of
On 10 August 2018, Dewayne Johnson, who had non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, was awarded $289 million in damages after a jury in
The President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen recently announced a “Digital Green Pass” for the EU citizens.
Healing Oracle has always stood with the idea of freedom, health and prosperity for all. Owing to our public responsibility
A terrifying, but rather unsurprising development in clinical observation has surfaced in the United States following the COVID19 vaccination rush.
COVID19 is not the first pandemic ‘unleashed’ upon mankind. In fact, diseases have long been the tools of suppression, fear
How can the authorities make such a blatant move in England – discriminating against the most vulnerable section of our
Vitamin K’s role in maintaining essential life-supporting functions within our cells has been well known for a long time now.
It seems like developmental disorders are on the rise globally. Of these, Autism Spectrum Disorder seems to be emerging fast,
Under the new world order of the global “plandemic” regime hospitals have lost nearly all their rights when it comes
First, an ‘incurable’ virus took over the world and now – the vaccine is here too! This global media narrative,
For anyone that may doubt the true power of GcMAF, please see below for a list of over 50 published
Cancer, unfortunately, is the leading cause of death among children in the United States. An estimation suggests that by the
Why is there so much censorship now? Why have we had our Facebook accounts and groups, a long with so
The most visited country for travellers throughout the pandemic was Mexico, now they have even dropped all covid regulation entry
Here’s something your doctor, or Oncologist will never tell you. If you have cancer, then you have fungus/mold/candida. It feeds
Immunotherapy GCMAF, NAGALASE & IMMUNOTHERAPY Written by Maryjayne Aria Macrophage Activation Factor (GcMaf) (VDTP) This is a handbook of further
Please read Dr James L Chestnut’s interesting analysis of the Flu vaccine and how it reflects on the ethics of
An eminent Bulgarian pathologist and President of the Bulgarian Pathology Association, Dr. Stoian Alexov (pictured right), has spoken out on video, of
Will vaccines lead to genetically modified humanity? Vaccines are GMOs and these could well end up in the nucleus of
Has the tightening of laws under the lockdown led to an inevitable and unavoidable vaccine trap for so many of
Preliminary data from a clinical trial involving more than 100 covid-19 patients in Ecuador resulted in a claimed 100 percent
I’ve been studying vaccines for a few years now. During that time several pro-vaxxers have done their best to convince