How Marijuana May Treat Aggressive Brain Cancer Successful treatment ‘reinforces the potential role of cannabinoids in the field of oncology.’

How Marijuana  Treats Aggressive Brain Cancer:

Successful treatment ‘reinforces the potential role of cannabinoids in the field of oncology.’

 Glioblastoma multiforme, or GBM is a “particularly aggressive brain tumor, with a poor prognosis,” according to the British-based biopharmaceutical company focused on developing proprietary cannabinoid medicine.

According to the study, patients with documented recurrent GBM treated with THC:CBD had an 83 percent one year survival rate compared with 53 percent for patients taking a placebo.

Said Professor Susan Short, principal investigator of the study:

“The findings from this well-designed controlled study suggest that the addition of a combination of THC and CBD to patients on dose-intensive temozolomide produced relevant improvements in survival compared with placebo and this is a good signal of potential efficacy. Moreover, the cannabinoid medicine was generally well tolerated. These promising results are of particular interest as the pharmacology of the THC:CBD product appears to be distinct from existing oncology medications and may offer a unique and possibly synergistic option for future glioma treatment.”

See related articles by cancer researcher and practitioner of almost 2 decades.

Here is a helpful link:

And as featured above:

The Beginners Guide on How to Grow Weed at Home in 10 Easy Steps


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