Under the new world order of the global “plandemic” regime hospitals have lost nearly all their rights when it comes
Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin (USA) has publicly stated that he made sure all his nine children were exposed to chickenpox
Does anyone remember when mainstream media also questioned vaccines and was able to report on the connection to autism? Much
Next time someone says the evidence for mandatory vaccines is irrefutable, they might want to read the letter sent to
Molecular biologist Dr. Judy A. Mikovits was thrown in prison after discovering evidence that deadly retroviruses are transmitted through vaccines given
The Facts: Dr. Stanley Plotkin, known as one of the fathers of vaccines, reveals some disturbing facts about testing vaccines
We have listed vaccine ingredients before here at Healing Oracle and we are no strangers to the dangers of the
In the latest stunning assault on the freedom to think, California state senator Richard Pan — known as the “Mercury