Other than skin cancerprostate cancer is the most common cancer in American men. According to the Cancer Society’s estimates for prostate cancer in the United States for 2022 are:

  • About 268,490 new cases of prostate cancer
  • About 34,500 deaths from prostate cancer

About 1 man in 8 will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime, whilst it is also more likely to develop in older men and in non-Hispanic Black men.

About 6 cases in 10 are diagnosed in men who are 65 or older, and it is rare in men under 40. The average age of men at diagnosis is about 66.

Prostate cancer is also the second leading cause of cancer death in American men, behind lung cancer. And about 1 in 41 American men will die of prostate cancer.

But, the good news is that more than 3.1 million men in the United States who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer at some point are still alive today.

Could we help increase this number?

Alas, oncologists have limited choices when it comes to tackling prostate cancer. The standard treatment for Prostate cancer is hormone therapy, the side effects of which, need to be seriously considered.

Is turning men into women really the best idea when it comes to tackling rogue cells? Hormone treatment is merely temporary, yet the resulting damage can cause lasting devastating effects. he treatment itself only has a limited effect on the cancer, it can control symptoms in 70% to 80% of patients, but these can reoccur after a lapse [1].

Quality of life and “doing no harm” must be the first rule of thumb for any treatment program. The side effects of modern medicine are so often swept under the carpet, hidden in the small print, or considered an afterthought. But the side effects of hormone treatment, must first be understood.

According to the “side effects of hormone therapy for prostate cancer can include:

  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Increased body fat
  • Loss of sex drive
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Bone thinning, which can lead to broken bones
  • Hot flashes
  • Decreased body hair
  • Smaller genitalia
  • Growth of breast tissue

Do these things seem nonconsequential to you?

Personally, as a man I find this a rather terrifying list. And the good news is that all of this can be avoided.

Hormone therapy simply treats disease Progression. It does not always do the complete job.

Thus, the disease remains a therapeutic challenge [2].

The immune system

So where does prostate cancer begin? If we are to look at a root cause. Asking the question of “why?” is something oncologists are discouraged to do. Cause and effect are most often ignored in the bigger picture. The wheels of industry do not allow for this type of individual thought process.

Most cancer patients will feel, once the diagnosis is given, that they have zero choice, but to take the poison and take their chances with the devastating side effects. They find themselves at the top of a blind and scary alley. Is there a light at the end, or does it lead to further problems that mean life will never be the same again?

Your immune system needs nutrition and Vitamin D

Perhaps another way to see this is that these signs come as a warning to us all. Its not the end, in fact it could be the beginning of changes that are needed. And we can start to make the changes ourselves to overcome disease within. In fact, so often it is only through our own efforts that we can overcome disease. Or indeed anything.

The human body is extremely well designed. It was however, not designed for the modern diet and lifestyle.

Given the proximity of mobile phonespoor diet and lack of exercise, we can all start to understand why cancer is on the increase.

Whilst middle aged married men must be made aware of ALL OF the risks and be empowered to change the course of their lives through self-care and attention.

A sensitive area

As ever the first step to recovery is to look within. And so first, let’s briefly cover one of the most sensitive areas of all. The prostrate. Why in fact, do we see that ageing married men are the highest group at risk from Prostate cancer?

Just like every other organ in the human body the prostate has an essential role to play and specific job to do. In medical school they used to be taught the phrase “if you don’t use it, then you will lose it.” The prostrate is a working organ. It’s a functioning factory that produces an essential fluid, the very fluid that contains the DNA to starting new life, otherwise known as semen.

But just like any other fluid, without an outlet, we start to see problems. As life and movement drains away, when water stops flowing, it becomes toxic, with nowhere to go it becomes stagnant and blockages can naturally occur. This excess of fluid builds up inside the organ.

Put simply, the prostrate requires a regular milking. Otherwise known as sex, or masturbation, this is a necessary physical function that cleans out the system. It’s an out with the old and in with the new type system that allows new healthier sperm the space to grow and be stored, ready for the next round of fun.

Masturbation should in fact be seen as an essential process, to keeping this system clean and healthy. Social taboos aside, the prostrate is unaware of the stigma it has and dutifully carries on working, constantly producing the fluid of life throughout the life cycle of every living male. It doesn’t matter if you are 17, or 70, it’s business as usual for the prostate.

If men can see masturbation as a part of a cleaning process, then maybe we can have a heathier understanding of this most misunderstood of sensitive areas.

Whilst everything is in moderation, it’s certainly worth a try to improve the scan results!

The build-up in the prostate is an area of concern for all adult men. When we see abnormal cells develop, they can become cancerous through the mutation process and so tumours form around these bad cells. So let’s keep the fluids flowing and see masturbation not as a dirty thing, but actually a necessity and way of cleaning the system. A way of preventing unwelcome tumours from growing and developing.

Now, back to the Immune System…

The Immune system 1.0

Talking of stigmas, cancer is up there with sharks and spiders and the killer vid as the most feared and therefore misunderstood words of all. Cancer is associated with the end of life, a deadly killer we cannot control.

Yet, if you look at it closer, we are in fact all survivors of cancer. Constantly. Cancer is in fact in us all and is even part of the natural processes of the immune system.

Tumours in a healthy immune system are formed and quickly broken down, as part of the clearance operation of the daily functions of a healthy person, who may, or may not even be aware of this constant internal micro-battle.

Our cells mutate constantly (around 30 million times a day) whilst we are also under attack from toxins in the processes foods we eat. The immune system is on the constant look out for rogue cells and invaders, containing them and breaking them down. Constantly.

So, to try to understand the immune system, lets look at the main characters, the heroes and the villains of the hidden system, we are totally reliant on for survival.

Please see here for a full description of the story of the immune system and what really happens under the viewing microscope


First, let’s meet the hero. Macrophages are the warriors, the foot soldiers of the immune system. They are bigger than most cells and have an array of powers to seek and destroy invaders, cancer cells and clear debris within the immune system. They are by far the most effective weapon we have against cancer.

To preserve their energy, they have 2 states. A look out patrol state, where they roam the immune system, ready to transform into warriors (the second more active state) where they then go on the attack targeting and destroying enemy cells.

But like all good soldiers they will only attack and destroy the enemy when they know it is a real threat to the system it is employed to protect. They will not attack normal healthy cells.

So, let’s return to the two villains in question and ask how did they manage to avoid the hunter instincts of the roaming Macrophages?

Cancer cells – Firstly, these are of course the most famous of bad guys. The real fallen angels of the immune system. Through the mutation process, things go wrong and as we have described in the prostate build up and blockages can occur. Here cells can stop playing by the rules, they start acting very differently to normal cells and so can begin to grow and develop their own life forms. Like naughty children, they must be reprimanded and removed from class by the Macrophages, before they interrupt everyone and ruin the lesson.

So why do the Macrophages let such bad behaviour persist? In a mysterious twist that is the sting in the tail of cancerous cells, they produce an inhibitor known as Nagalase.

Nagalase – is the third character in our plot that really does have the power and knowledge to overcome the entire school and get it closed for good. Put in its simplest terms, the Nagalase is a kind of invisibility blanket that tricks the Macrophages into thinking the tumor of cancerous cells is just a bunch of normal cells that must be left in peace. It is the sheeps clothing that allows the wolf to grow, unabated and out of sight of the roaming Macrophage cells.

Immunotherapy is the game changer

This is where immunotherapy comes in. With out-of-control undetected tumors, the system needs something to change the current state of play and go into red alert. Something is needed that can sound the alarm and alert the Macrophage fighter cells to the hidden dangers. We need something to remove the smoke screen, turn on the search lights and alert the guards.

Immunotherapy is therefore awakening the Macrophages slumber. Alerting them to the very real hidden dangers that are happening in their district, on their watch and under their very noses.

By activating the macrophages into attack and destroy mode, so we see the tumors targeted and cleared away. This is what we refer to as the process of Immunotherapy treatment.

GcMAF/VDTP is the game changer

An already existing naturally occurring part of the immune system, GcMAF/VDTP is the natural alert system that changes the Macrophages into super killer cells that can get the job done.

GcMAF (Protein Macrophage Activating Factor), or Vitamin D Transport Protein (VDTP) as Vitamin D is the enabler to the messaging system to turn your immune system back on full alert. By administering GcMAF/VDTP we therefore sound the alarm, telling the Macrophages to  take up arms and defeat the cancer cells, before they take over.

Please see this video for a description of the above process, to see how GcMAF/VDTP really can make all the difference to alert your army of soldiers to attack and destroy cancer.

<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”” title=”YouTube video player” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen></iframe>


If you are having problems sourcing a genuine product, please contact: [email protected] for more enquiries on VDPT/GcMaf

Give yourself this fighting chance

The immune system is the battlefield and we give ourselves the best chance of fending off cancer, by taking care of this area of our inner world.

Immunotherapy provides the tools and weapons for the battle, but we can treat ourselves better if we take care of our bodies and eat a healthy diet.

Please see here for the list of foods that you can eat to help you treat yourself, to strengthen your immune system and give your foot soldiers the best armour and intelligence to win the war for you.


Technical notes

Gc protein carries one trisaccharide consisting of N-acetylgalactosamine with dibranched galactose and sialic acid termini at 420 threonine residues. This oligosaccharide is hydrolyzed by the inducible membranous β-galactosidase of inflammation-primed B lymphocytes to yield a macrophage-activating factor. This is further hydrolyzed by the membranous Neu-1 sialidase of T lymphocytes to yield MAF, the protein with N-acetylgalactosamine as the remaining sugar. Deglycosylated Gc protein is non-convertible to MAF, resulting in no macrophage activation. Macrophages are phagocytic and antigen-presenting cells. Because macrophage activation for phagocytosis and antigen presentation is an indispensable step in the development of humoral and cellular immunity, a lack of macrophage activation leads to immunosuppression. Advanced cancer patients have high serum Nagalase activities, resulting in no macrophage activation and severe immunosuppression, which is why cancer patients die from infection [6].


Stepwise treatment of purified Gc protein with immobilized β-galactosidase and sialidase generates VDTP/GcMAF, which produces no adverse effects in humans.

Administration of 100 ng of VDTP/GcMAF results in activation of macrophages with a 30-fold increased ingestion index and 15-fold increased superoxide-generating capacity [7]. VDTP/GcMAF has a potent mitogenic capacity to act on the myeloid progenitor cells, resulting in a manifold increase in systemic macrophage cell counts [8]. These macrophages are chemotactically engaged in inflamed lesions by a 180-fold increase in macrophage cell counts [9].

Macrophages develop a variety of receptors that recognize abnormalities in cancerous cell surfaces and kill cancerous cells. The malignant cells have membrane abnormalities on their cell surface. A series of glycoprotein, glycolipid, and mucin antigens are identified and designated as tumour-based antigens on the cell surface of various human tumour cells.

VDTP/GcMAF therapy as a single remedy modality can potentially eradicate metastatic breast and colorectal cancers most effectively. Although prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is used as a diagnostic and prognostic index for prostate cancer, a more precision prognostic index is desirable for the therapeutic efficacy of VDTP/GcMAF for prostate cancer patients.

Serum Nagalase activity has been effectively used as a diagnostic index for cancers and a prognostic index for radiation therapy, surgical resection of tumours, and VDTP/GcMAF therapy for preclinical and clinical mammary adenocarcinoma models and colorectal cancers.

VDTP/GcMAF Therapy for Prostate Cancer Patients

A group of nonanemic prostate cancer patients were administered 100 ng of VDTP/GcMAF intramuscularly once a week. Serum samples (>2 ml) were weekly or biweekly collected before each dose administration and were used for prognostic analysis. Detailed assessment of patient response to each VDTP/GcMAF administration was performed by determining both MAF precursor activity of serum Gc protein and serum Nagalase activity. Since serum Nagalase activity is proportional to tumour burden, a kinetic assessment of curative response to VDTP/GcMAF therapy was performed with serum Nagalase activity as a prognostic index during the whole process.

The Results:

The MAF Precursor Activity of Serum Nagalase & Gc Protein Activity as Prognostic Parameters during Immunotherapy for Prostate Cancer 

During VDTP/GcMAF therapy, MAF precursor and serum Nagalase activity were closely analyzed. With the progression of the therapy, the MAF precursor activity increased, and their serum Nagalase activity decreased inversely. When MAF precursor activity increased toward healthy control value, serum Nagalase activities in vitro study decreased to healthy control level. Thus, these malignancy parameters of prostate cancer patients served as excellent prognostic indices. Because the serum Nagalase is proportional to tumour burden [10], as VDTP/GcMAF therapy progressed, serum Nagalase activity decreased and, concomitantly, tumour burden decreased.

Curative Rate of VDTP/GcMAF Therapy for Prostate Cancer Depends on the Degree of Cell Surface Abnormality

Poorly differentiated cancer cells have more abnormality in the cell surface than moderately/immediate differentiated cancer cells [11]. Since the activated macrophages efficiently recognize and rapidly kill cancer cells, the activated macrophages kill undifferentiated cells more quickly than differentiated cells. Thus, the rapid decrease in serum Nagalase activities during VDTP/GcMAF therapy implies more abnormality in undifferentiated cells.

Correlation between Serum Nagalase Activity and PSA Levels during VDTP/GcMAF Therapy

Since serum Nagalase activity is an excellent index for estimating tumour burden, serum PSA levels were compared with serum Nagalase activity during VDTP/GcMAF therapy. In patients without tumour resection, serum Nagalase activity decreased as VDTP/GcMAF therapy progressed, and their PSA values remained unchanged. The result suggests that the PSA derived from tumour-bearing prostate did not change while tumour burden decreased. Since tumour-induced inflammation causes secretion of PSA, the PSA produced herein cannot be altered by a decrease in tumour burden.

The Final Note:

Prostatic cancer diagnosis and prognosis have advanced with the availability of PSA measurement [12]. The trials show that PSA is predominantly produced from tumour lesions in the prostate compared with metastasized lesions. The serum Nagalase decreased during VDTP/GcMAF therapy for patients suffering from tumour-bearing prostate, and PSA stayed unaffected. Therefore, PSA values can’t be used for prognostic assays during VDTP/GcMAF therapy.

Prostate-specific antigen can be considered specific to prostatic malignancy. It is an extracellular matrix-degrading enzyme that is required for the invasiveness of cancerous tissues [13]. Normal prostatic inflamed tissues release PSA, like benign prostate hypertrophy and prostatitis in some instances. The in vitro study confirms that the PSA assay cannot accurately estimate the fractional loss of tumour burden due to the predominance of PSA production in prostatic tissues.

Extraprostatic tissues produce prostate-specific antigens, including clonogenic glandular epithelium, salivary gland neoplasm, and normal and cancerous female breast tissues [14]. Thus, PSA is less specific to prostatic malignancy.

As far as Nagalase is concerned, it is exclusively secreted from cancerous cells but not from normal tissues. Thus, the level of Nagalase activity in blood is proportional to tumour load in hosts. This is a prognostic index for VDTP/GcMAF therapy for preclinical and clinical cancer models. The measurements of serum Nagalase activity and MAF precursor activity of serum Gc protein allow envisioning the degree of immunosuppression and disease state.

When VDTP/GcMAF (100 ng) is administered to cancer patients, there is barely any effect on VDTP/GcMAF; it bypasses the deglycosylated Gc protein and directly acts on macrophages for extensive activation. Such highly activated macrophages develop a considerable variation of receptors to recognize the abnormality of the malignant cell surface and eradicate cancerous cells. This nature of macrophages to realise the exception of malignant cells is fundamental and universal to every type of cancer; so far, tested ones are breast, prostate, stomach, colon, liver, lung, kidney, bladder, uterus, ovary, head/neck, melanoma, and fibrosarcoma. Progress of VDTP/GcMAF therapy for cancer is monitored by the measurement of malignant cell-specific serum Nagalase activity found universally in cancer patients. Curative rates of various cancers depend on the degree of cell surface abnormality corresponding to the malignant cell differentiation grade. The precision of measurement of Nagalase activity allowed the determination of the degree of cell surface abnormality by the curative rate during VDTP/GcMAF therapy.

Due to the precision measurement of serum Nagalase, the curative rate measurements of tumours during VDTP/GcMAF therapy and estimation of the degree of tumour differentiation are now possible. Therefore, the significance of VDTP/GcMAF therapy for cancers has been dramatically enhanced by the discovery of cancer cell-specific Nagalase that can accurately monitor the rate of tumour regression during VDTP/GcMAF therapy.

There are many substantial reasons why cancer patients are turning to VDTP/GcMAF immunotherapy. We cannot underestimate the power of immunotherapy and understand why and how immunotherapy works in the human body! Need a better guide to Immunotherapy, find a handbook here!

If you have problems sourcing a genuine product, here is one link to source VDPT/GcMAF.



References and Sources:


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The Healing Oracle Team
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The Healing Oracle team is made up of a group of unpaid volunteers. Collectively we share the same interests and goals and comprise of decades of medical and holistic experience. 

Our mission is to spread our knowledge and experience of the medical world, from both sides of the so called divide between holistic and mainstream practices. There is good and bad on both sides and we hope to unite the best of both worlds.

Please read our philosophy, here in this article from MD Fermin Celma