The natural way is to let the umbilical cord fall away when the placenta is finished feeding the baby. It’s called ‘Lotus birthing’ and when you consider the role of the placenta, it makes the most sense to let it finish the job it started. So why are we told different?

We talk a lot about the damage of vaccines and how we are battered by environmental factors like Glyphosate, which is also in vaccines. But lets look back at the very beginning of life, when a child is brought into this world and consider what we do to the very source of life that is the umbilical cord. We can’t wait to get that vital supply of nutrition cut as soon as possible.

The vital stem cells, the antibodies and all the nutrition that mum is designed to send to her new born are severed and kept and then sold by the hospital.

And so we ALL start life with an impaired immune system. As we have all been taught that, we must intrude and interfere and halt what has always been our first gifts of life to our new born babies. Much the same as the Vitamin K shot. It is invasive, unnecessary and harmful to the baby.

In cases of emergency, yes we agree the cord must be cut if it poses a real risk to the baby, or mother. But in the majority of cases the cord does not pose a risk. It’s like saying you must never leave the house because you might get hit by a car. Cutting it early that poses the greatest risk as timing is everything.

The umbilical cord

A cross section illustration of the umbilical

If you think the umbilical cord is just a rudimental tube, then think again. It is a complex exchange that increases overtime as mother’s body prepares her child for life. There are 2 arteries and 1 vein.

The placenta is a unique vascular organ that receives blood supplies from both the maternal and the fetal systems and thus has two separate circulatory systems for blood:

  1. The maternal-placental (uteroplacental) blood circulation
  2. The fetal-placental (fetoplacental) blood circulation

An exchange of oxygen and nutrients take place. The in-flowing maternal arterial blood pushes deoxygenated blood into the endometrial and then uterine veins back to the maternal circulation.

The fetal-placental circulation allows the umbilical arteries to carry deoxygenated and nutrient-depleted fetal blood from the fetus to the villous core fetal vessels. After the exchange of oxygen and nutrients, the umbilical vein carries fresh oxygenated and nutrient-rich blood circulating back to the fetal systemic circulation.

At term, maternal blood flow to the placenta is approximately 600–700 ml/minute. It is estimated that the surface area of syncytiotrophoblasts is approximately 12m2 whilst the length of fetal capillaries of a fully developed placenta is approximately 320 kilometers at term

Timing is everything

So when you consider just how much is happening during the birthing process, the business of delivering babies has become a tightly scheduled affair, rushed in and out, its a lot of stress on the baby whipped away and injected immediately it enters the world.

So please, mums and dads, it is important that you delay the cutting of the umbilical cord past 3 minutes, at least, as the umbilical cords job is far from done.

An article published Oct. 18, 2004 showed that Premature babies may be less likely to need blood transfusions if their umbilical cords are cut a bit later than normal.

Waiting 30 seconds to 2 minutes before cutting the umbilical cord could make the difference, say researchers including Heike Rabe, MD, PhD, of Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals in Brighton, England.

The umbilical cord connects the baby to the mother’s placenta, delivering oxygen-rich blood to the infant.

After the baby is born and before the placenta is delivered, the umbilical cord is clamped in two places and cut between the clamps.

There are no official standards about exactly when the umbilical cord should be clamped and cut.

Rabe and colleagues recently reviewed seven studies on the clamping and cutting of umbilical cords. The data are based on almost 300 babies, all of whom were born early (before the end of 37 weeks of pregnancy). Their study appears in the October issue of the journal The Cochrane Collaboration.

Delaying umbilical cord clamping by 30 to 120 seconds, rather than early clamping, seems to be associated with less need for transfusion and less bleeding in the infant’s brain, according to the researchers.

Lotus births

On the other end of the spectrum to this, there is the ‘lotus birth’, which is simply allowing the placenta to fall off naturally, meaning you are letting the baby come into the world of its own accord, as well as letting him or her get any of the remaining goodness from the placenta. 

It is an all-natural idea, and can take up to ten days for the placenta and umbilical cord to fall away.

Adele Allen, also from Brighton in the UK, opted for a lotus birth. Ms Allen wrote a no-holds-barred post on her blog talking about how she kept the placenta ‘smelling pleasant’ by sprinkling it with a ‘coating of rock salt and rose petals before wrapping it in muslin cloths’ that she changed every couple of days.

Ms Allen said both of her lotus babies have above average physical development and are very alert.

Umbilical Hernia

If as a result of the cutting of the umbilical cord procedure you notice your baby develops an “outie” also known as an umbilical hernia, meaning the area around the navel sticks out of the belly button, it is most likely fatty tissue that has escaped out of a weak spot in the abdominal wall, which left untreated can lead to other serious conditions later.

We use two point Neural Therapy to repolarise umbilical hernias, as this can lead to serious problems later. This must be done by a medical professional who is used to the procedure and it will avoid later issues and the need for surgery.

GcMAF can also help with immunity issues

If you are interested in purchasing GcMaf, then please see this article for a list of prices and how to order it

Sources: Daily MailNCBI

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The Healing Oracle Team
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Global Petition

Please sign our global petition against enforced vaccinations The intention of this petition is to present 5 million signatures to each President, Prime Minister, Health Minister and heads of state worldwide.
Vaccines are a global problem and need to be tackled on a global level.
If we stand as one, we have a chance of saving the children of the future.

About Healing Oracle

The Healing Oracle Team is made up of a group of unpaid volunteers.
Collectively we share the same interests and goals and comprise of decades of medical and holistic experience.

Our mission is to spread our knowledge and experience of the medical world, from both sides of the so called divide between holistic and mainstream practices. There is good and bad on both sides and we hope to unite the best of both worlds.

Please read our philosophy, here in this article from MD Fermin Celma