Right to Protests in Democracy


Protests are a key part of every democracy.

They’re essential for expressing disagreement with decisions made by the government and can also serve as an indicator to improve the decision-making process in the future. For example, protests against prohibition led to its end which has had positive implications on crime rates ever since.

However, recent events have shown that not all governments uphold this basic right of protest – in fact, some take it away from their citizens completely!

So what should you do if your rights are violated? Read this blog post to find out how you can fight back!

Your Democratic Rights are Being Crushed

Protest is the foundation of our democracy, but provisions in The Police, Crime, and Courts Bill in the United Kingdom could land peaceful protestors with up to ten years’ imprisonment if their protest is deemed capable of causing “serious annoyance” to any section of the public.

Really? Annoyance to a section of the public? Doesn’t that seem like a high-handed approach by the government to silence any opposition?

As an individual reading this blog post – you must realize that your democratic rights are being crushed if anything is obstructing your ability to protest peacefully!

Don’t let them win!!

How would the government benefit by crushing your right to protest?

It’s clear – to exert control over the masses, their power to recognize suppression and oppose it must be taken away. This bill is a move in that direction.

They are doing this for their own self-interests. The people protesting the injustices in our society are what helps them remain accountable and they will need support from a large group of citizens if we want true change.

How you can fight back?

33540 People have already signed this petition against the bill. You can sign the petition too to protect your rights and freedom – https://www.open-britain.co.uk/protest

The goal is to collect 50,000 signatures and we are heading to it strongly.

Sign the petition and let’s tell the Home Secretary that people’s voices won’t be taken away in a true democracy.

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We must protect freedom in the UK.

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Love and Light
The Healing Oracle Team
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