Tangy tomatoes with the crunchy bread base, there is hardly anyone who wouldn’t try bruschetta. But, for health aficionados, we have the healthier version of this recipe which is even tastier – and far more nutritious.
We bring to you the awesome Cherry Basil Bruschetta Recipe.
This recipe will give you a healthful burst of cherries which come with the following nutritional and health benefits;
- Calories: 95.
- Protein: 1.6 grams (g)
- Fat: 0.3 g.
- Carbohydrate: 24 g.
- Fiber: 3.2 g (making them a good source)
- Sugars: 19.2 g.
- Calcium: 20 milligrams (mg)
- Iron: 0.5 mg.
A cup of cherries contains 22 grams of carbohydrate, most of which come from natural sugars. There are also 3 grams of fiber in 1 cup of cherries. Fresh cherries are considered a low glycemic food (coming in at under 55 on the glycemic index). Sweetened dried cherries or other varieties with added sugar, however, will have a higher glycemic index.
Cherries are almost fat-free with less than 1/2 gram per cup.
There are 1.5 grams of protein in 1 cup of fresh cherries.
Vitamins and Minerals
Cherries are a good source of vitamin C, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, and folate.
Health Benefits
Although cherries are naturally high in sugar, they possess a large concentration of beneficial phytonutrients that have positive health effects.
Prevents Gout
Fresh and canned cherries have been studied since the 1950s for arthritis treatment and gout prevention. Evidence of cherries’ ability to restore normal uric acid levels has been demonstrated in multiple studies for decades. When looking at 633 gout patients, a 2018 study showed that fresh cherry or cherry extract intake was associated with a 35% reduction in gout attacks during a 2-day period.
May Lower Risk of Cancer
The rich color in cherries is due to anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants that help the body mitigate potentially cancer-causing oxidative damage. Cherries also have vitamin C, which may be associated with a lower risk of lung cancer in people who smoke. In addition, the fiber in cherries is known to protect against colon cancer. Including cherries and other fruits and vegetables in your meal plan is a good step towards reducing the risk of several forms of cancer.
Reduces Muscle Soreness
Along with antioxidant properties, cherries are anti-inflammatory. When 50–270 tart cherries are consumed following intense exercise, muscle damage is reduced. By measuring two common byproducts of exercise recovery, creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase, researchers found cherries beneficial in reducing soreness and shortening recovery time.
Aids Heart Health
A single dose of Bing cherry juice has been shown to significantly reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels within 2 hours in elderly adults.4 Given cherries’ anti-inflammatory effects and high potassium content, it only makes sense to include cherries in a heart-healthy meal plan. By consuming whole cherries you also get added cholesterol-lowering effects from the fiber.
Supports Memory Function
The flavonoids and anthocyanins in dark-colored cherries help protect the brain from oxidative damage. Oxidative damage can occur in the brain as a result of aging, environmental stressors like smoking, and chronic medical issues like high blood pressure or diabetes. Filling your menu with vibrant fruits and vegetables, like cherries, may help protect your memory over the years.
Keep these ingredients handy for preparation
- 2 cups pitted, chopped cherries
- ¼ cup chopped fresh basil
- 3 cloves garlic, minced (about 2 tablespoons)
- 2 tablespoons olive oil + more for brushing
- ½ teaspoon sea salt + more for sprinkling
- 1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar
- 1 jicama
Cooking instructions
- In a medium-sized bowl, combine cherries, basil, garlic, olive oil, salt, and vinegar. Set aside to let the flavors meld.
- Cut jicama into ¼-inch slices. Cut slices into shapes with a cookie cutter.
- Heat grill to 450 degrees F. Brush each jicama slice on both sides with olive oil, and salt on each side as well.
- Grill jicama 1 minute per side. Serve grilled jicama slices with cherry mixture spooned on top.
There you have it!
Enjoy the crunchy cherry basil bruschetta.
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Thank you to Autoimmunewellness.com for this wonderful healthy immune boosting recipe.
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