Last Saturday, 20th March 2021 in Museumplein, Amsterdams capital city a group of roughly 6,000 gathered to protest against the COVID-19 vaccine and the newly introduced global guidelines regarding the ongoing pandemic. They were heard to be chanting “freedom, love, no dictatorship”.
The protest began at 12pm these people were surrounded by a wide variety of residents from this city. The six thousand protestors were protected by retired veterans, current doctors, nurses and medical professionals who do not believe in COVID-19. This was a peaceful protest which escalated extremely quickly. The police started to gather around the protestors at 1.30pm, they were using megaphones demanding the protestors to leave Museumplein and if they were not to leave they were going to use force including the use of police dogs to remove them.
This group of peaceful protesters have been protesting for many weeks, with numbers rising each week. The previous weeks some of these people were subject to the horrendous police behaviour causing injuries and brutal force to remove them. This is why the veterans and medical professionals came to support and protect the peaceful people. One doctor in fact got arrested for this.
When the protestors rightfully decided that they were not going to leave as they had not been heard yet, the police took it upon themselves to take some action with force. This began with spraying very powerful water knocking them off their feet. The violence that the police officers used only got worse from this point onwards.
The protesters were moved into the city of Amsterdam, which led them to a street which had been blocked off at both ends. The police then began to deport people out of the city at around 2.30pm on trucks and buses. The police blocked all of the protestors in a street where they could not leave, holding them hostage for six to seven hours. You can see this in the image above.
Everytime this group met for a peaceful protest, many members were hurt. There are many videos of the chaotic scenes, one where the group are being chased by police on horses, innocent people being beaten with batons. The police are meant to serve the public and protect and here they are doing the complete opposite. Regardless of the topic of the protest, all members were peaceful. This is wrong on so many levels. The police allowed their dogs to brutally harm innocent people, for what reason?
There are countless photos and videos of the protesters seriously injured, every single event were all peaceful protests, it is outrageous that it escalated to this.
We ask why?
65 years ago fund raising commenced for Cancer Research, with billions of dollars in donations every year they are still no closer to finding a “cure.” This is a huge FAIL however you look at it we see much the same options of the very same chemo, radiation and surgery, with little by way of a cure and ZERO by way of prevention.
Yet the billions of dollars continue to flood in and cancer research get a pat on the back for failing every year. Where is the vaccine that destroys cancer? Where is the vaccine that cures diabetes?
Both Cancer and diabetes individually have destroyed more lives than Covid. There has never been a cure for the common cold, so do you really believe that in just months that a “cure” has been found for COVID 19 and it comes in the form of vaccine? No research or longevity studies needed, yet the claims of “cure” and prevention are HUMUNGOUS but so is the propaganda, fear mongering and profiteering.
Will the cost be to your health or that of a loved one? the cost of this “”cure” looks like it will be people’s health and the vaccine in this case CAN NOT be reversed. Remember this or you or/and a loved one may pay dearly later…
Why do we have Quarantine when never in the history of infectious diseases have healthy people been subject to Quarantine?
The Vaccine only allows for its use in the case of an EMERGENCY
The Vaccine remains in Trials ONLY until 2023. If lockdown and Quarantine ends, this ends the emergency administration of the Vaccine. So as things stand now, you, your children and loved ones are the trial for the vaccine. This is the Only reason for quarantine and lockdown. Hence it is now an endemic, which means it will NEVER end!
Will you be taking the Vaccine?
Let’s look at the word Vaccine and break it down: Vac-Sins because we have headed into a Vac-Sin-Nation with our eyes wide open to the dangers!
Love and Light
The Healing Oracle Team
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