An Arizona police department is under scrutiny today after newly released video shows officers forcibly removing a child. The child had a fever of 105 degrees and had recently visited a naturopathic doctor. The doctor reported the parents to Arizona’s Department of Child Safety.

The saga began on February 25th when parents took their two-year-old, unvaccinated child, to a naturopathic doctor. The child’s fever sparked concern with the doctor, who advised the parents to take the child to an emergency room. According to Phoenix ABC affiliate KNXV, the child’s fever subsided and the mother decided against an emergency room visit. The child was instead taken back home to Chandler.

However, the doctor later followed up with Cardon Children’s Hospital and learned that the child was never admitted. She then contacted the Chandler Police Department and DCS.

“All because of a fever. A fever! It’s absolutely ridiculous,” said Nicholas Boca, the family’s attorney. “That type of kicking your door in, with guns drawn… it should be reserved for violent criminals.”

The parents no longer have rights over their children, as they are in the hands of the DCS and the family must now fight to get them back.

“They have a good family. And this is a waste of state resources,” said Boca the family attorney.

Making an example of them

But the underlying message here is clear. Making an example of people in the press is a familiar tactic for law makers. Come down heavy on a dissenter and it sends a message to the rest.

Hot off the heels of the Rockland County, New York “State of Emergency” that banned unvaccinated children from public places, the subtext to this story is that your child belongs more to the state than to you. It’s a scary time to be a parent with an independent mind.

The language of the mainstream is mildly apologetic in the report, but the long lasting impression this will have on parents who are already afraid for their child’s safety in the hands of doctors, schools and state sponsored control is one of enforced compliance, or else.

Source: ABC News and 12news

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