Is it me, or do we not live in a crazy world, when it is seen as justifiable for a child to be vaccinated without their parent’s consent and is actively encouraged as a “Right” that must be fought for? For this is now the case in seven states across the USA and soon to be many more, as mainstream media ramps up the pressure on teenager children.
We write this article in response to the online debate around this subject of parental consent when it comes to the mandatory vaccines program.
The article in question ran the Graphic: “Fight for your Right to Vaccinate”

We have to be proactive and we have to start warning teens / children about the dangers of vaccines, the peer pressure that will be used, and the power of mass marketing is huge.

Is this not something from George Orwell’s famous novel 1984, when the state’s insistence on mass medication, reaches such a degree, that it is forced upon children? And should that child have parents that stop to consider the risks of the vaccine, the child is then encouraged to go behind their parents back and to get these injections (of unknown and untested substances) done anyway, without their parent’s even knowing.
Parental ignorance is dangerous
What if the child has a low immune system at the time of the injection?
Is the parent in an informed position, where they can even say “hang on my child is not ready today”?
What if this child with the weak immune system has this secret injection, then comes home with a mild fever, continues to not mention this and goes into a high fever? Is the parent informed enough at this moment to even know to watch out for early warning signs of a seizure, or an immune reaction that left untreated becomes dangerous and deadly very quickly?
Would they be informed enough to call emergency services, or to know how to treat any adverse reaction?
Is it me, or this not parental responsibilities gone mad? Flipped on its head, its removed any notion of parental consent. Would the parent know what to look out for, in the weeks and months after the shot should any reactions occur later down the line?
This is in effect mass propaganda aimed at the very young. Teach them early, it’s harder to change their mind as they mature. “Pester power” is a deeply cynical marketing term, but this outright exploitation of the young.

Parental ignorance is dangerous
What if the child has a low immune system at the time of the injection?
Is the parent in an informed position, where they can even say “hang on my child is not ready today”?
What if this child with the weak immune system has this secret injection, then comes home with a mild fever, continues to not mention this and goes into a high fever? Is the parent informed enough at this moment to even know to watch out for early warning signs of a seizure, or an immune reaction that left untreated becomes dangerous and deadly very quickly?
Would they be informed enough to call emergency services, or to know how to treat any adverse reaction?
Is it me, or this not parental responsibilities gone mad? Flipped on its head, its removed any notion of parental consent. Would the parent know what to look out for, in the weeks and months after the shot should any reactions occur later down the line?
This is in effect mass propaganda aimed at the very young. Teach them early, it’s harder to change their mind as they mature. “Pester power” is a deeply cynical marketing term, but this outright exploitation of the young.
The tale of The Pied Piper springs to mind, when he did not receive enough financial compensation, he led the children to their doom, via a flute and a dance, when the message “Fight for the right to vaccinate” is blazoned over screens across the country. Passively consuming this simplistic polished message with sound effects and perfect smiles, during their Glyphosate cereal, still half asleep and open subconsciously to the flickering screen, it all seems a very effective way to control the minds of the next generation.

Of course this message appeals to teenagers. Which adult doesn’t look back at this confusing time in life, remembering how you would do anything, at that moment, to defy your parents. You just want some revenge, some independence, you are an adult now and know you have “Rights”.
So naturally any parent who is against the consensus and does not agree with the main party line they hear everywhere else, at an age when survival depends on fitting in and not standing out, becoming a potential target for peer abuse for something your parents may feel, but you just think its because they want to control you.
Indeed, it is bandied as a ‘right’ and something that must be defended, as if some deep felt teenage angst honour is at stake. “Well.. I defend my right to stay out late as well and sue you if you disagree… Mom!”
The fact is this is a crazy, elaborate smoke screen. As of course we all have the right to choose what we consume, what we eat, drink and inject into ourselves. But do young people (at a stage when our adult brains are not yet fully formed and our hormones are on over drive) really have the right thinking cap on?
Much like most people don’t read ingredients on food packaging, the ingredients of the vaccines, are unknown to them. Are children really in a position to understand what each of the ingredients are and the effects they have on the body? Is the time being taken to describe each one, or to consider the side effects? All we ask is, is this a formally formed decision?
Like the AAAPS said in their letter to congress, does the patient need it, does it out weigh the risk of harm from the heavy metals and the toxins? Does the child understand the list of ingredients that go into vaccinations? they are taking DNA from aborted babies, mice and other animals and how this can change their own DNA? The DNA of their children?
With researchers finding the undeniable link between Vaccines and Autism should we not be a little more alarmed by this dictatorial rhetoric?
In the story highlighted by CBS, Ethan Lindenberger is 18 and not so much a child, he is proud to have taken to the internet to discuss with strangers how he can get vaccinated without his mother’s consent and without her knowledge. This is presented as if this is OK and the state is on the boys side and the mother is wrong. What this creates is a precedent in the mind of the general public. ”It’s OK for kids to do this” “Yeah I saw that too” type crowd control… as really this is about mind control, led by a well selected media trained young man. It’s a lot of smoke and a lot of mirrors. Governments bombard our children with ‘rights’ that are beyond them, yet, are forced into their young hands like a loaded gun.
Let’s compare and contrast this to Japan, for example, where the Anti vaccination stance has meant a lower mortality rate.
Vaccines are full of unknown contaminants like the new Gardasil 9 vaccine, for example. Whilst, recent studies show that vaccinations actually turn the immune system against itself, causing it to malfunction.
And with Merk’s Gardasil HPV Vaccine specifically targeted at teenage girls, the risks could not be higher, as it is proven in a court of law that it causes death and the final ruling has even been confirmed by the Department of Health and Human Services
But this news gets buried. Hidden and distorted. The list of reasons that there should be a balance to the debate is long and well trodden.
It is vital that we are able to make our children aware of the risks and just be as informed as possible. Knowledge is power. Be informed, it is our DUTY as parents to know our children have a right to knowledge.
We must be their guide through this tangled web of lies. For whoever owns the present can control the truth tomorrow.
Please share this article to help parents in increasingly difficult circumstances and to keep the debate alive.
Love and Light
Healing Oracle

Love and Light
The Healing Oracle Team
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