The actual science of Stem Cell Therapy is rapidly evolving, as new developments are being discovered every day around the World.
Thousands of doctors and hundreds of companies are working to contribute to this extensive and every day large Research and Investigation field, as well as already treating dozens of thousands of new patients every year on a regular basis in several different Treatment Centers which have already been established around the Globe.
Our team is proud to have studied and researched the various Centers being operated by STEM CELL TREATMENT CENTERS worldwide and their price structure.
There are NO 100% cures. Each patient and each disease or condition are different and unique. The average patient enjoys some degree of restored bodily function, in most instances 25% to 50% and sometimes higher, not only for the treated organ but his overall body, a much better quality of life and more longevity. A minority, usually about one third of those patients treated get little or no benefit.Obviously no one knows why as otherwise they would not have been treated in the first place. Stem Cells are not a magic cure nor do the cells all the work a patient expects, Patient participation is essential, to follow a proper diet and proper exercise. If the patient is at a point that he does not notice any improvement in his condition, he should also consider that his condition is not worsening, which is also a form of some cure.
Are there any risks or side effects or any pain with Stem Cell Therapy?
There is no risk nor any sort of rejection as Autologous Stem Cells (Cells taken from the patient’s own body) There also no side effects at all nor consequential medical problems to be expected with and after the treatment at all. It may happen that some stem cells escape and go to other parts of the body, but the only thing they can do is good and beneficial for the patient. The complete treatment is painless, the patient is conscious all the time. If the patient feels some pain and dizziness after the treatment such will last for about a day or two.
Saslavsky J, Fernández Viña R et al: A simple, rapid and cheap method to harvest a big quality of bone marrow (BM), mononuclear cells (MNC) and CD34+, CD38- cells to be used in myocardial-genesis and in myocardial low limb (LL) Angiogenesis. ISCET Dublin May 7/10 10 Annual Meeting 2004Surgical treatment for congestive Heart Failure using Autologous Adult Stems cells transplantation. AN Patel, L Geffner, R. Fernandez Vina, Benetti Federico, R. Kormas, H.C Urschelt Cardio-thoracic Surgery University of Pittsburg, Benetti Foundation Rosario Argentina, Baylor Univ. Medical Center Dallas Texas Journal Cardio thoracic 4- 2005
Stem cell therapy for acute myocardial infarction through retrograde coronary perfusion: a new technique Stans Murad Netto, MD,PhD; Roberto Fernandez Viña, MD, Rogério Moura, MD; Antônio Manoel Neto, MD; Neison Duarte, MD; Fernando Barreto, MD; André Jensen, MD, MD; Jorge Saslavsky, MD; Marcelo Fernández Viña, MD; Luis Martins Romeo, MD,PhD; José Geraldo Amino, MDInstituto do Coração e da Criança do Rio de Janeiro – Rio de Janeiro – Brasil, Fundación Don Roberto Fernandez Viña / Centro Cardiovascular – San Nicolas – Argentina, Georgetown University ( Department of Oncology and Imunology ) – Washington-USA Universidad Federal Fluminense – UFF Niterói – Brasil – Primer Premio Congreso de la Sociedad Brasilera de Cardiología 2003 Diciembre
April 7, 2003 First Reported Case in Argentina of Repair of Infarcted Myocardium by Autologous Intracoronary Bone Marrow Cell Transfusion in a Young Woman: Early Improvement of Ventricular Function and Ischemia Fernández Viña Roberto, Saslavsky Jorge, Andrin Oberdan, Vraslovck Francisco, Geffner Luis, Camozzi Liliana, Pinto Andrés, Troncoso Mercedes, Guilmen Juan, Garcia Lorena, Benetti Federico, Fernández Viña Marcelo, Don Roberto Fernández Viña Foundatión Argentina, Benetti Foundation Argentina, Centro Cardiovascular San Nicolas; Ass. Prof Georgetown Univ. Department of Oncology, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, DC, USA
Fernandez Viña R, et al: First Reported Dates from Argentina of Implant and Cellular Therapy in Myocardial Infarction (TESCELCOR Study). ISCET Dublin 2004 ISCET Dublin May 7/10 10 Annual Meeting 2004 Abstrac Cytotherapy
Fernandez Viña R, et al: Terapia celular en Corazon en Argentina. XXIII Congreso Nacional de Cardiología de la FAC , 2004 Trabajo Presentado y aceptado para Premio
Fernández Viña R, et al:”Reparación de Infarto de Miocardio con Implante intracoronario de Stems cells (Tecelcor)”Premio Sociedad Española de Cardiología , octubre, 2004. Publicado con autorización en la Revista de la Sociedad Colombiana de Cardiología – Mayo Junio 2004 Volumen 3
Fernandez Viña R: Angiogenesis and Myogenesis. – Artículos 2003-2004 Fernández Viña R, et al:”Reparación de Infarto de Miocardio con Implante intracoronario de Stems cells (Tecelcor)”Sociedad Española de Cardiología , octubre, 2004.Publicado con autorización en la Revista de la Sociedad Colombiana de Cardiología – Mayo Junio 2004 Volumen 3
Saslavsky J, Fernández Viña R et al: A simple, rapid and cheap method to harvest a big quality of bone marrow (BM), mononuclear cells (MNC) and CD34+, CD38- cells to be used in myocardiogenesis and in myocardial low limb (LL) Angiogenesis. ISCET Dublin May 7/10 10 Annual Meeting 2004 Abstrac Cytotherapy
R. J. Fernandez Vina, J. Saslavsky, R. Fernandez Viña, O. Andrin, F. Vrsalovick, N. Muttis, , P. Andres, L. Camozzi, C. D Adamo; San Nicolas Clinic Fernandez Vina Foundation, San Nicolas (Buenos Aires), ARGENTINA, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Rosario, ARGENTINA, Universidad Maimonides Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires
THE IMPROVEMENT IN EF CREATED BY STEMS CELLS IMPLANTATION POST-MI MAINTAINED AFTER LONG TERM FOLLOW UP International Society of Celular therapy Berlin 2006 Nominado para Premio Abstract Citotherapy N8 2007
Roberto J Fernandez Vina, Fernandez Vina Foundation and Maimonides University Argentina, San Nicolas, Argentina; Jorge Saslavsky, Medicine University of Rosario Argentina, Rosario, Argentina; Francisco Vrsalovic,; Oberdan Andrin,; Federico Fernandez Vina; Liliana Camozzi, Andres Pinto A New Option of Treatment for Patients withChronic Coronary Disease with Intractable Angina or Cardiac Failure Without Possibility of Surgical Revascularization 4th Annual Symposium of the American Heart Association Council on Basic Cardiovascular Sciences:
Roberto R J Fernandez Vina, Fernandez Vina Foundation and Maimonides University Argentina, San Nicolas, Argentina; Jorge Saslavsky, Medicine University of Rosario, Rosario, Argentina; Francisco Vrsalovic; Oberdan Andrin,; Federico Fernandez Vina,; Liliana Camozzi, Andres Pinto A New Option of Treatment for Patients withChronic Coronary Disease with Intractable Angina or Cardiac Failure Without Possibility of Surgical Revascularization Cardiovascular Repair and Regeneration: Structural and Molecular Approaches in the Cellular Era July 30_August 2, 2007 Keystone Circ. Res. 2007;101;e53-e77Circulation Research is published by the American Heart Association. 7272 Greenville Avenue, Dallas
Fernández Viña Roberto, Saslavsky Jorge et al. Treatment with Implant and Cellular Therapy of Patients with Chronic Myocardial Infarction with refractory angina TECELCOR II Study Premio a la major Comunicación Iberoamericana del Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Cardiología 2005 Barcelona
Fernandez Viña R., Andrín O., Saslavsky J, Vrsalovic Francisco, Fernandez Viña Marcelo. AfiliacionesFundacion Don Roberto Fernandez Viña- Clínica San Nicolás, Buneos Aires, MD Anderson Center Houston -Texas USA Tratamiento de la INSUFICIENCIA CARDIACA REFRACTARIA de la Miócardiopatía Coronaria con implante de Stems cells por vía venosa retrógrada coronaria. (Tecelcor III) Solaci 2005 Mexico
J. Tuma-Mubaraka, R. Fernández-Viña, A. Carrasco-Yalán, J. Castillo-Aguirre, H. Ríos-Díaz, R. De Moura, C. Cruz, M. Vargas, A. Carrillo, J. Ercilla, C. Yarleque, J. Cunza, N. Gómez, S. Chirinos, M. Aranda, M. Arroyo and J. Rafael Division of Interventional Cardiology and Regenerative Medicine, Clínica San Felipe, Clínica Ricardo Palma, Clínica Maison de Santé, Lima, Peru for the TELCECORI RA PERU Investigators (Terapia Celular Corazon Improves Refractory Angina) “Refractory angina treatment by percutaneous retrograde sinus technique transplantation of unselected autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells: long-term follow-up “Cardiovascular Revascularization-Medicine- Volume 8, Issue 2, April-June 2007, Pages 153-154
Fernandez Viña Roberto et al :Treatment with Implant and Cellular Therapy of Patients with Chronic Myocardial Infarction with Refractory Cardiac Failure (Telecor III Argentine Study) Controversies in the Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease in Santa Monica, California.
Fernandez Vina Roberto et al Feasibility of implant autologous stems cells with endovascular technique in diabetes mellitus International Meeting of International Society of Cellular therapy Vancouver June 2005 Abstratc Cytotherapy Volumen 7 Septiembre 1 2005
Fernandez Vina Roberto, Saslavsky J. et al Traitement de un patient diabétique par transplantation de cellules souches autologues primer case mondial Le courrier de la Transplantation Paris Vol 5 N1 200
Fernandez Vina Roberto , Saslavsky , Camozzi , Ferreira : First Reported Data from Argentina of Implant and Cellular Therapy in patients with diabetes type 2 (TECELDIAB StudyControl45 Annual Meet International Society of Cell Biology San Francisco (USA) December 2005 Number: 05-LA-3585-ASCB
Fernandez Vina R, Andrin O, Saslavsky J, Ferreyra de Silva J, Vrsalovick F, Camozzi L,Ferreyra O, D Adamo C, Foressi F, Fernandez Vina R, Clasen A (2006) Increase of ‘c’peptide level in type 1 diabetics patients after direct pancreas implant by endovascular way of autologous adult mononuclear CD34+CD38(−) cells (Teceldiab 2 study). In: 4thInternational Society for Stem Cell Research Annual Meeting, Toronto
Fernandez Vina R, Saslavsky J, Andrin O, Vrsalovick F, Ferreyra de Silva J, Ferreyra O, Camozzi L, Foressi F, D Adamo C, Fernandez Vina R (2006) First word reported data fromArgentina of implant and cellular therapy with autologous adult stemcells in type 2 diabetic patients (Teceldiar study 1). In: 4th International Society for Stem Cell Research Annual-Meeting,-Toronto
R.J. Fernandez Vina, O. Andrin, J. Saslavsky, F. Vrsalovic, L. Camozzi, O. Ferreyra, A. Classen, J. Ferreyra da Silva Lima, C.D. Adamo, R.F. Fernandez Vina, F. Foressi, N. Muttis* Thérapie cellulaire chez des patients atteints de diabète Le Courrier de la Transplantation Avril 2007 vol 2 Coordinateur Editeur : J.C. Chachques, Service de chirurgie cardiovasculaire et laboratoire d’étude des greffes et prothèses cardiaques, hôpital européen Georges-Pompidou et hôpital Broussais, Paris Journal of Society Françoise de Transplantation ( SFT)
Fernandez Viña R. J., R. J. Fernandez Viña (h), O. Andrin, F. Vraslovick, L. B. Camozzi, R. F. Fernandez Viña, J. F. da Silva Lima; Don Roberto
Fernandez Viña Foundation, San Nicolas, ARGENTINA. The increase of C-peptide level in type 1 diabetes after trasplant of adult hematopoyetics mononuclears cd34+cd38-( teceldiab1) The 12th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Cellular Therapy May 4 – 7, 2005 Berlin, Germany
Fernandez Vina Roberto, Saslavsky Jorge et al. Direct pancreas implant by selective catheterization of spleen artery of autologous adult mononuclears Cd 34+Cd38(-)cells to increase insuline and C peptide in type 1 diabetics patients’ Abstract number :acceptance p53 venue: James Watt Centre II Joint Spring Meeting of the Genetics Society and the Societies of the Cell and Developmental Biology Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh 29th March – 1st April 2007
Fernandez Vina Roberto, Saslavsky Jorge et al. Pancreatic response after implant of autologuous adult stem cells shows a decrease of intake exogenous insulin correlated with an increased C-peptide in children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus abstract number: p54venue: James Watt Centre II Joint Spring Meeting of the Genetics Society and the Societies of the Cell and Developmental Biology Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh 29th March – 1st April 2007
Camozzi, Liliana; Ferreyra, Oscar; Muttis, N; Foressi, F; Fernandez Viña, R.F.; Ferreira da Silva Lima, J. Fernández Viña, Roberto; Saslavsky, Jorge; Andrin, Oberdan; Vrsalovic, Francisco; Fundación Don Roberto Fernández Viña ,San Nicolás, Pcia BsAs , Argentina RESPUESTA DE PARAMETROS METABOLICOS EN PACIENTES PORTADORES DE DIABETES MELLITUS TIPO 2 SOMETIDOS A IMPLANTE DE MONONUCLEARES CD34+CD38- (STEM CELLS), AUTOLOGO EN PANCREAS CALILAB VI Cong. Arg de Calidad de Laboratorios 2006 Federación Bioquímica Argentina FBA
Camozzi, Liliana; Ferreyra, Oscar; Muttis, N; Foressi, F; Fernandez Viña, R.F.; Ferreira da Silva Lima, J. Fernández Viña, Roberto; Saslavsky, Jorge; Andrin, Oberdan; Vrsalovic, Francisco; Fundación Don Roberto Fernández Viña ,San Nicolás, Pcia BsAs , Argentina Incremento de peptido C en la diabetes tipo 1 despues de implante de mononucleares hematopoyeticos adultas CD34+CD38- CALILAB VI Cong. Arg de cal Laboratorios 2006 Federación Bioquímica Argentina FBA
Fernandez Viña Roberto y col. First world reported data from Argentina of implant and cellular therapy with autologous adult stem cells in type 2 diabetics patients. (TECELDIAR STUDY I). Cytotherapy 2006; Vol 8, suppl 1, abst 200.
Fernandez Viña Roberto y col. The increased of C-peptide level in type I diabetes after transplant of adult hematopoyetic mononuclear CD 34+ CD 38+ (TECELDIAB). Cytotherapy 2006; Vol 8, suppl 1, abst 39.
Silvio Cuneo Pareto Sangre de Cordon Julio 2006 Mexico Resultado de implante de progenitores autologo no hematopoyéticos de médula ósea (panhmo) para el tratamiento de pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 1 y tipo 2 en Mexico Responsables del proyecto: Dr. Oscar Gonzales Ramella asesores: dr. Antonio Carrasco y Yalan (onco hemotología-terapia celular) Roberto Fernandez-Viña (San Nicolas-Buenos Aires-Argentina) Jorge Tuma Mubarack (Lima-Peru) Ministerio de Salud de México 2006 Revista de la Asociación Mexicana de Diabetes
Camozzi Liliana, Fernandez Vina et al Incremento del peptido C en la diabetes tipo 1 despues del implante de mononucleares adultas CD34+ CD38-, revista : COMUNICACIONES LIBRES ,CALILAB 2006, pag 88
Fernandez Vina Roberto et al Angiogenesis : Terapeutica de la angina refractaria al tratamiento medico / quirurgico con implante de stem cells por via venosa coronaria retrograda Tecelcor 2 -Revista Española de Cardiología vol 58 , suplemento 1 , octubre 2005, pag 107
Fernandez Vina Roberto, Congreso Brasilero de Cardiología 2007 Rio de Janeiro Brasil Conferencia Inaugural, Implante de Células madres en diabetes mellitus sin inmunosupresion
Roberto Fenandez Viña, Tercer Congreso Mundial del Sudeste Asiático de Cirugía cardiovascular Jakarta Indonesia, Conferencia de Clausura y caso en vivo Terapia celular con implante de células madres en forma directa en el Páncreas
Roberto Fernandez Vina, Congreso Intencional de Terapia celular y Diabetes 2006 Universidad de Jinan (Universidad de Beijing) Provincia de Shandong Conferencia académica Diabetes y Células Madres (stem cells)
Li Chen, MD3*, Dongqi Tang, MD, PhD,Roberto J. Fernandez Vina, MD, Beihua Kong, MD, PhD, Yun Zhang, MD, PhD, Xing Li Wang, MD, PhD,‡. Department of Endocrinology, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Cardiovascular Research Institute, Qilu Hospital, Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong, China; Department of Pathology, Immunology & Laboratory Medicine, University of Florida College of Medicine, Gainesville, FL 32610; Fundacion Don Roberto Fernandez Viña, BME Mitre 357, San Nicolas, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Cardiothoracic Surgery, Texas Heart Institute, St Luke’s Hospital, Michael E. DeBakey Department of Surgery, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas Sustained Effect of Autologous Bone Marrow Mononuclear Cells Transplantation In Twelve Patients With Diabetes: Six-month Follow-up Results JAMA 2008 in revision (unpublished yet )
Autologous Transplantation of Bone Marrow Mononuclear Cells in Treating Patients with Diabetes Short Title: Stem Cells and Diabetes Li Chen , MD*‡, Weikai Hou, MD, Xinguo Hou,MD, Dongqi Tang, MD, PhD, Jianjun Dong,MD, Kuanxiao Tang,MD,PhD, Lei Sun ,MD,Jun Song, Bin Wang, Roberto J. FernandezVina, MD, Beihua Kong, MD, PhD, Yun Zhang, MD, PhD, Xing Li Wang , MD, PhD. Department of Endocrinology, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The Key Laboratory of Cardiovascular Remodeling and Function Research, Chinese Ministry of Education and Chinese Ministry of Public Health, Shandong University, Qilu Hospital, Jinan, Shandong, China; Department of Pathology, Immunology & Laboratory Medicine, University of Florida College of Medicine, Gainesville, FL 32610; Fundacion Don Roberto Fernandez Viña, BME Mitre 357, San Nicolas, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Cardiothoracic Surgery, Texas Heart Institute, St Luke’s Hospital, Michael E. DeBakey Department of Surgery, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas.( In revision and corrections In Lancet 2007)
Fernández Vina Roberto y col. Implant and cellular therapy with autologous stem cells in type 2 diabetics patients .19th World Diabetes Congress Cape town South Africa December 2006 Accepted Abstract Poster presentation International Diabetes Federation (IDF)
Fernández Vina Roberto y col. Increase of C peptide level in type 1 diabetes patients after direct pancreas implant by endovascular way of autologous adult mononuclear cells cd34(+) cd 38(-).19th World Diabetes Congress Cape town South Africa December 2006 Accepted Abstratc Poster presentation International Diabetes Federation (IDF)
Roberto Fernandez Vina et al Direct Pancreas Implant by Super Selective Catheterization of Spleen Artery of Autologous Bone Marrow Cells to Perform Type 2 Diabetes Patients Poster presentation Trans Catheter Therapeutics (TCT) Washington USA 2006
J. Tuma-Mubarack, R. Fernández-Viña, A. A. Carrasco-Yalán, J. Castillo-Aguirre, H. Rios-Diaz, R. de Moura, C. Cruz, M. Vargas, A. Carrillo, J. Ercilla1, C. Yarleque, C. Cunza, N. Gómez, S. Chirinos, M. Aranda, M. Arroyo, J. Rafael, A. N. Patel;Division of Interventional Cardiology and Regenerative Medicine, Clínica San Felipe, Clínica RicardoPalma, Clínica Maison de Santé, Lima, PERU, Centro Cardiovascular San Nicolás, Don RobertoFernandez-Viña Foundation, San Nicolas, ARGENTINA, Instituto de Criopreservación y Terapia Celular, Lima, PERU, Universidad Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA.AUTOLOGOUSBONE-MARROW-MONONUCLEAR-CEL (ABMMC) TRANS-PLAN-TATION IN TYPE 1 AND TYPE 2 INSULIN DEPENDENT DIABETES MELLITUS (IDM) ) ISCT 2007 Annual Meeting in Sydney, May 15. Australia
Implant and cellular therapy in patients with diabetes type 2 Spring Meeting of the Genetics Society and the Societies of the Cell and Developmental Biology Heriot Watt University, Edinburg 29th March – 1stApril 2007 R. Fernandez Vina et als Poster Presentation
Pancreatic response after implant of autologuous adult stem cells shows a decrease of intake exogenous insulin correlated with an increased C-peptide in children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Spring Meeting of the Genetics Society and the Societies of the Cell and Developmental Biology Heriot Watt University, Edinburg 29th March – 1st April 2007 R. Fernandez Vina et als Poster Presentation
R. J. Fernandez Vina, J. Saslavsky, F. Vrsalovic, O. Andrin, J. Tuma, S. Murad Neto, L. Camozzi, M. Saslavsky, F. R. Fernandez Vina, J. Ferreira da Silva, N. Muttis1, F. Benetti, C. Dadamo; San Nicolas Clinic FernandezVina Foundation, San Nicolas (Buenos Aires), ARGENTINA, Maimonides
University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA, Medicine School University of Rosario Argentina, Rosario, ARGENTINA, Instituto La Maison and Clinica San Felipe, Lima, PERU, Instituto de cardilgia de Post Grado Rio De Janeir, Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL, Universidad Fluminense de Rio de Janiero, Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL, San Nicolas Clinic & Hospital, San Nicolas (Buenos Aires), ARGENTINA, Fernandez Vina Foundation, San Nicolas (Buenos Aires), ARGENTINA, Benetti Foundation ARGENTINA. THREE YEARS FOLLOW UP OF CELLULAR THERAPY TREATMENT OF PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC CORONARY DISEASE WITH ANGINA OR CARDIAC FAILURE AND NOT OPTIONS OF SURGICAL REVASCULARIZATION International Meeting Society of Cellular Therapy San Diego May 2009 Published in Cytotherpy
COMPARED RESPONSE IN TYPE 1 AND TYPE 2 DIABETES AFTER CELL THERAPY R. J. Fernandez Vina, J. F. Lima, J. Saslavsky, L. Camozzi, O. Andrin, F. R. Fernandez Vina, F. Vrsalovic1 San Nicolas Clinic, Fernandez Vina Foundation, San Nicolas (Buenos Aires), ARGENTINA, Maimonides University, Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA. International Meeting Society of Cellular Therapy San Diego May 2009 Published in Cytotherapy Journal
REPORT CASE: CHRONIC SPINAL CORD INJURY RECOVERED AFTER DIRECT ARTERY IMPLANT OF AUTOLOGOUS STEM CELL THERAPY. R. J. Fernandez Vina, J. Saslavsky, J. Ferreira da Silva, O. Andrin, L. Camozzi, F. Vrsalovic, F. R. Fernandez Viña; San Nicolas Clinic Fernandez Vina Foundation, San Nicolas (Buenos Aires), ARGENTINA, Maimonides University, Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA. ISCET Annual Meeting Miami 2008 Published in Cythotherapy Abstract Poster
FIRST REPORTED DATAS FROM ARGENTINA OF FIRST FIVE YEARS FOLLOW UP OF REPAIRED MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION BY AUTOLOGOUS INTRACORONARY STEM CELLS IMPLANT.(THE EJECTION FRACTION RECOVERED WAS MANTEINED AFTER FIVE YEARS) R. J. Fernandez Vina, J. Saslavsky, O. Andrin, F. Vrsalovic, L. Camozzi, F. R. Fernandez Viña, N. Muttis, J. Ferreira da Silva, C. Dadamo, F. Benetti, A. Pintos, M. Fernandez Vina; San Nicolas Clinic, Fernandez Vina Foundation, San Nicolas (Buenos Aires), ARGENTINA, Maimonides University, Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA, Medicine School University of Rosario Argentina, Rosario, ARGENTINA, Benetti Foundation, Rosario, ARGENTINA, MD Anderson Medical Center, Houston, TX. . ISCET Annual Meeting Miami 2008 Published in Cythotherapy Abstract Posters
REPORT CASE OF USING MARROWMINER®SYSTEM FOR CELL THERAPY IN DIABETES TYPE 1 PATIENT.R. J. Fernandez Vina, J. F. Lim, D. Kraft, J. Saslavsky, L. Camozzi, R. Fernandez Viña, F. Vrsalovick, O. Andrin;
San Nicolas Clinic, Fernandez Vina Foundation, San Nicolas (Buenos Aires), ARGENTINA, StemCor, Palo Alto, CA. ISCET Annual Meeting Miami 2008 Published in Cythotherapy Abstract Posters
CELL THERAPY PROMISE RESPONSE IN DIABETES TYPE 1 R. J. Fernandez Vina, J. F. Lima1 j. Saslvsky, L. Camozzi, O. Andrin, F. Vrsalovic, F. R. Fernandez Vina; San Nicolas Clinic Fernandez Vina Foundation, San Nicolas (Buenos Aires), ARGENTINA, Maimonides University, Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA, Medicine School of Rosario University, Rosario, ARGENTINA. ISCET Annual Meeting Miami 2008 Published in Cythotherapy Abstract Posters
FIRST REPORT FROM ARGENTINA OF FIRST THREE YEARS FOLLOWS UP OF AUTOLOGOUS STEM CELLS IMPLANT IN DIABETES TYPE 2 R. J. Fernandez Vina, L. Camozzi, O. Andrin, F. Vrsalovic, M. Saslavsky, J. Saslavsky, C. Dadamo, F. Fernandez Vina, J. Ferreira da Silva Lima, F. Foressi, M. Velez, M. Troncoso, A. Pintos, L. Baez, O. Ferreira; International Society of Cellular Therapy ( Iscet) International Meeting 2009 San Diego CA Published Abstracts Cytotherapy
REPORT FROM ARGENTINA OF FIRST THREE YEARS FOLLOWS UP OF AUTOLOGOUS STEM CELLS IMPLANT IN DIABETES TYPE 1 (World wide Pioneer Experience )R. J. Fernandez Vina, L. Camozzi, O. Andrin, F. Vrsalovic, M. Saslavsky, J. Saslavsky, C. Dadamo, F. Fernandez Vina, J. Ferreira da Silva Lima, F. Foressi, M. Velez, M. Troncoso, A. Pintos, L. Baez, O. Ferreira; San Nicolas Clinic, Fernandez Vina Foundation, San Nicolas (Buenos Aires), ARGENTINA, Maimonides University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA, Medicine School University of Rosario Argentina, Rosario, ARGENTINA, San Nicolas Clinic Fernandez Vina Foundation, San Nicolas (Buenos Aires), ARGENTINA, Fernandez Vina Foundation, International Society of Cellular Therapy ( Iscet) International Meeting 2009 San Diego CA Published Abstracts Cytotherapy
IMPROVEMENT OF COPD AND EMPHYSEMA WITH AMINISTRATION OF UNFRACTIONS AUTOLOGOUS BONE MARROW ( WORLD PIONEER EXPERIENCE FROM ARGENTINA) R. J. Fernandez Vina, J. Saslvsky, J. Ferrerira da Silva Lima, O. Andrin, F. Fernandez Vina, F. Vrsalovic, L. Camozzi, L. Vazquez Sosa, M. Saslavsky; San Nicolas Clinic, Fernandez Vina Foundation, San Nicolas (Buenos Aires), ARGENTINA, Maimonides University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA, Medicine School University of Rosario Argentina, Rosario, ARGENTINA, San Nicolas Clinic Fernandez Vina Foundation, San Nicolas (Buenos Aires), ARGENTINA, Hospital de la Mujer, El Salvador, EL SALVADOR, San Nicolas Clinic & Hospital, San Nicolas, ARGENTINA International Society of Cellular Therapy ( Iscet) International Meeting 2009 San Diego CA Published Abstracts Cytotherapy
ADMINISTRATION OF UNFRACTIONS AUTOLOGOUS BONE MARROW IN CHRONIC CORONARY DISEASE ( ARGENTINA PIONEER EXPERIENCE)R. J. Fernandez Vina, J. Saslvsky, O. Andrin, L. Camozzi, F. Vrsalovic, F. Fernandez Vina, J. Ferreira da Silva, C. Dadamo, I. Merlo, J. Tuma, V. Bauer, S. Murad Neto, M. Olivero Neto, M. Saslavsky;
San Nicolas Clinic, Fernandez Vina Foundation, San Nicolas (Buenos Aires), ARGENTINA, Maimonide University, Buenso Aires, ARGENTINA, Medicine School University Of Rosario, Rosario, ARGENTINA, La Maison de Sante & San Felipe Clinic Lima, Lima, PERU, Hospital Pilar, Curitva, BRAZIL, Instituto de Post Graduacion de Rio de Janeiro , Universidad Fluminnese, Rio De Janero, ARGENTINA, Instituto de Post Graduacion de Rio de Janeiro , Universidad Fluminnese, Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL, San Nicolas Clinic & Hospital, San Nicolas (Buenos Aires), ARGENTINA International Society of Cellular Therapy ( Iscet) International Meeting 2009 San Diego CA Published Abstracts Cytotherapy
INVITACIÓN AL XXXIII CONGRESO ARGENTINO DE CARDIOLOGÍA FERNANDEZ VIÑA, ROBERTO La Sociedad Argentina de Cardiología tiene el agrado de invitarlo a participar en el XXXIII Congreso Argentino de Cardiología a realizarse del 6 al 9 de octubre de 2006 en el Hotel Sheraton Buenos Aires. Disertante Tema: ¿Las células madres son seguras y efectivas, o sólo son un placebo fácil de usar?
R.Fernandez Vina et al .Implante de stem cells en corazón: Un nuevo horizonte terapéutico para mejorar la función ventricular izquierda en pacientes con angina pectoris y AMI PREMIOS DE LA SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE CARDIOLOGIA A LAS MEJORES COMUNICACIONES IBEROAMERICANAS DEL CONGRESO DE LAS ENFERMEDADES CARDIOVASCULARES Sociedad Española de Cardiología , Madrid del 18 al 20 de octubre de 2007.
“First Report from Argentina of First Three Years Follows Up of autologous Stem Cells Implant in Diabetes Type 2″ Diabetes Technology Society Diabetes ¨Ninth Annual Diabetes Technology Meeting¨ on San Francisco November 5-7, 2009 . Fernandez Vina Roberto et al
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology (DST) First Report from Argentina of Three First Years Follow-Up of Autologous Stem Cells Implanted in Diabetes Type 2.” consider to be one of the best abstracts submitted for this year’s meeting, This abstract scored in the top thirty percent among all the abstracts received at this year’s meeting. Islet cell transplantation in T2DM would be of great interest to the readers of Journal of DST and your team is a world-class leader in islet cell transplantation. Therefore, I am inviting you and your colleagues, Dr. Janaina Ferreira da Silva Lima, Dr. Jorge Saslavsky, Dr. Oberdan Andrin, Dr. Francisco Vrsalovic, Dr. Roberto Federico Fernandez Vina, Dr. Camozzi Liliana, and Dr. Carla Dadamo to submit an original article to DST based on the data presented in this abstract.
ADMINISTRATION OF UNFRACTIONS AUTOLOGOUS BONE MARROW IN CHRONIC CORONARY DISEASE ( ARGENTINA PIONEER EXPERIENCE) Fernandez Vina et al Stem Cells Europe / World Biobanking Summit – Edinburgh – September 23-25 2009 Academic Delegate
First Report from Argentina of First Three Years Follows Up of autologous Stem Cells Implant in Diabetes Type 2” Diabetes Technology Society Diabetes ¨Ninth Annual Diabetes Technology Meeting¨ on San Francisco November 5-7, 2009 . Fernandez Vina Roberto et al
FIRST REPORT FROM ARGENTINA OF FIRST THREE YEARS FOLLOWS UP OF AUTOLOGOUS STEM CELLS IMPLANT IN DIABETES TYPE 2 ‘ RJ Fernandez Vina et al Poster presentation International Pancreas and Islet Transplant Association Meeting IPITA-IXA 2009 Venice, Italy – October 12-16, 2009

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