Looks like your pet pooch is more than just a loyal friend and a protective family member.
Research has found out a stunning ability amongst dogs; that they can detect heart-breaking ailments like cancer and other bodily irregularities in the human body. Turns out, their olfactory ‘sixth’ sense is a powerful gift from mother nature.
In this blog, we will delve deeper into this story!
Dogs vs. Invasive Medical Tests for Disease Detection
Dogs are well-known for their incredible sense of smell. Their genetics give them the ability to detect scents far more intimately than humans can, and they have a lot more genes that code for this skill, as well as many more olfactory nerve cells. Humans have used this supernatural scent skill set in various ways over history–from hunting and security to detecting over a dozen medical conditions by the doctors.
Their Superior Sense of Smell is Simply Wonderful
Dogs have 220 million smell receptors. Humans only have 5 million. Dogs can smell things that humans cannot. Dogs can detect substances at concentrations of one part per trillion from within 20 Olympic-size swimming pools!
This makes their olfactory system the best (even better than that of sharks which can detect a single drop of blood in the ocean from miles away) in the animal kingdom.
Dogs are able to detect and identify smells that humans cannot.
“They can sniff out 13 types of cancer, along with other diseases like Parkinson’s disease, prostate cancer, lung infections, or diabetes.”
Dogs have such a sensitive sense of smell that they can detect any marks left by disease in the human body. This is due to the tiniest shifts in hormones and organic compounds released by diseased cells. As a result, dogs are being trained to sniff out these markers so they may be picked up without even having medical tests done.
Study Proves: Dogs Can Detect Cancer
Dogs are surprisingly good at sniffing out cancer. In a 2006 study, five dogs were trained to detect breast and lung cancer across all four stages of the disease. They had 88% accuracy for breast cancer and 99% accuracy for lung cancer detection out of given samples.
More recently, a different group of researchers found that even blood samples from patients with skin or colon cancers were accurately detected by dogs 97% of the time.
Though they don’t yet have any medical degree, an increasing number of pet owners believe their dog is capable enough when it comes to detecting signals in human patients’ bodies which may be indicative of developing problems – especially those involving changes in smell as well as weight loss.
Dogs can detect seizures too!
It seems like our canine pals can do much more than what the advanced medical tech can’t even think of at present. For example, canines are able to detect when a patient is about to experience an epileptic seizure or a narcolepsy moment.
Both these conditions can be life-threatening in the wrong circumstances. Thanks to our pooches, it doesn’t have to be.
Tracking Criminals: A Breeze for Our Goofy Canines
Dogs also have the ability to smell a person’s pheromones which is helpful for tracking down criminals who reluctantly leave their scent on the trails they move.
Criminals beware! With all their tracking abilities, it’s hard to escape from our goofy canine friends who also happen to have an exquisite sense for pheromones which makes them perfect trackers when entire police forces are out of clues.
Let’s Be Grateful to Mother Nature for Our Best Friends
Dogs make our lives better, by the way of friendship and their wonderful sensory abilities. It’s a fact!
Let’s take a moment to relish their precious friendship with all of us.
Love & light 🙂

Love and Light
The Healing Oracle Team
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