UK research covid strains


The UK government has just announced it will double the capacity of its Porton Down laboratories to test vaccines against new strains in a bid to ‘future proof’ the UK. 

The £29.3m funding announcement is in addition to the £19.7m already committed to determine how effective vaccines are against Covid-19 variants.

As was published on “The government announced on Wednesday a £30m investment in new labs that will assess the effectiveness of vaccines against so-called “variants of concerns” that could render the current crop of vaccines ineffective.”

So millions are being invested to effectively prove that vaccines are ineffective against mutation? Does that seem a little crazy?

What seems a bigger question is what chance can any one genetically modified vaccine antibody have against any future strain or mutation of a live virus?

Of course the answer is no, it’s impossible.

Whilst the untested Covid vaccines are not only proving to be ineffective, but also potentially dangerous and life threatening. The concern over the vaccine safety never seem high enough on the agenda. Any reports of vaccine side effects and risks such as breast cancer are downplayed by the media and dismissed as insignificant.

But why is there such a rush for a vaccine against a virus that is no worse than the seasonal  flu but has cured all other forms of viruses, illnesses and cause of death?

We are reminded that the statistics for the flu vaccine are not the most reassuring with a failure rate of 91% in 2019. The covid rebranding has done what was intended.

The advertising, sales and manufacturing process has been impressive to say the least.

The huge number of people that have now had the first rounds of the covid vaccines speak for themselves. As according to the latest statistic (Jan 2021) on “Since COVID-19 vaccine distribution began in the United States on Dec. 14, more than 247 million doses have been administered, fully vaccinating over 106 million people or 32% of the total U.S. population.”

That’s a staggering figure. For what could potentially be a short term fix at best, are they not potentially putting lives at risk for something that would only be effective for a a short time.

It would seem that we are in the midst of a huge and epic field research project.  

All we can say is be aware, tread with caution and put what faith in what was actually given to you at the very beginning. That’s right, it’s the battle ground of modern science, but effectively you already have what it takes to stay healthy and disease free.



So how can we protect ourselves and our loved ones against any virus?

Of course you realise that we are talking about the oldest and greatest defence against any one of the trillions of viruses that exist in the world. That’s right it your immune system that was given to you as fine and ample protection against ALL viruses. Period.   
Perhaps with a better diet, exercise, vitamin d and immunity support we can be far less afraid of any virus.

Please see this article for more on Immunotherapy approaches to lock down and defending yourself naturally

Source: Linked In News

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The Healing Oracle Team
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The Healing Oracle team is made up of a group of unpaid volunteers. Collectively we share the same interests and goals and comprise of decades of medical and holistic experience. 

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