We are excited to introduce a whole new way of testing for cancer. If you have not hear of biomarker testing before then, this is a type of test that will help identify irregularities in your immune system using blood analysis technology and in this case it is a test called the AMAS test that is a specific blood test that will highlight the presence of cancer cells and malignant tumors far in advance of any of the imagery technology that currently exists.
This is the Anti-Malignin Antibody Serum assay (AMAS). This assay measures and detects the anti-malignin antibody expressed in 99% of patients with tumors and is an especially useful initial screening test, whislst also providing a method of monitoring the effectiveness of any ongoing cancer therapies, or treatments.
Cancer cells are generated due to mutations and the presence of mutagens. These regular mutations provide a base level of the anti-malignin antibody. The levels are elevated when cancer is present and decreases to baseline levels when the cancer has been eradicated. The AMAS has an incredible accuracy rating that is greater than 99% when duplicate samples are tested.
Safer cancer treatments
This opens up the doorway for earlier treatment that is less evasive, harmful and risky than the standard approaches to cancer treatment and is effective at a reducing tumors and cancer and this is via the very effective method of natural immunotherapy such as GcMaf that has been proven to be very effective at treating cancer and other diseases of an impaired immune system.
For GcMAf is the backbone of the immune system
Please see this section for more on GcMaf.
For once combination therapy GcMaf is administered and nutritional intakes are monitored, so any measured reduced levels of AMAS will indicate a reduction in overall cancer levels as GcMaf activates the immune system back into attack mode, by switching the fighter cells, the macrophages into clear up mode.
A decrease in measured AMAS will occur whatever the effective treatment may be, such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiation treatment or an alternative cancer therapy like GcMaf.
If the cancer load falls the measured AMAS level also decreases. If the cancer remains, the measured AMAS will also remain positive.
The AMAS test simultaneously screens for all cancer types, unlike some other specific biomarkers such as prostate cancer (PSA measurement) and colorectal cancer (CEA).
Much like the Nagalase test, the AMAS test can highlight the presence of cancers and to follow their regression. Yet, the anti-malignin antibody is not generated by viruses, so the AMAS assay cannot detect these sorts of infections. The Nagalase and AMAS tests should be part of everyones overall normal routine blood screening, but especially for all susceptible, or at-risk people.
This involves high risk groups, or anyone that is finding themselves Vitamin D deficient and low in nutrition. Please see this section for more information on the causes and ways to overcome cancer.
If these biomarker tests became a standard blood test it could become a very way of even distinguishing between cancer and other viral infections.
All viruses and cancers express Nagalase. Thus, high Nagalase levels could be caused by a growing cancer, or viral infection. The anti-malignin antibody is expressed only by cancer cells. Understanding the differences between the measured levels of these two biomarkers helps understand and determine the type of infection you have.
If the levels of both Nagalase and AMAS are measured and are deemed to be higher than the average normal baselines, then cancer is the cause of the increase. If Nagalase is raised and a normal AMAS level is measured, then a viral infection is present.
Both of these can be fixed via the natural immunotherapy techniques of GcMAF and improved lifestyle and diet.
According to the GcMaf book 2.0. The AMAS test is useful both as a screening test for early cancer and for monitoring cancer therapies. AMAS is elevated when cancer is present and drops below baseline when cancer is gone. AMAS is over 99% accurate (when done twice) and can be used instead of Nagalase to find and follow cancers. (Unlike Nagalase, AMAS does not detect the presence of viruses.)
About the AMAS test:
- AMAS is a naturally occurring antibody present in serum of all people, including children.
- The AMAS test accurately detects all types of early cancer.
- The AMAS test is positive if any type of cancer exists anywhere in the body.
- The AMAS test is more than 95% accurate. If repeated, accuracy improves to 99%. Fallse positive and false negative rates are less than 1%.
- AMAS is the earliest anticancer antibody to appear.
- AMAS detects cancers long before imaging can find them.
- AMAS detects cancer very early—so early, in fact, that your doctor may not yet be able to find the cancer with imaging.
- Early detection dramatically increases the possibility of a permanent cure
- AMAS goes down with successful cancer treatment.
- Normal AMAS levels in successfully treated cancer patients indicate absence of malignancy.
In this broad-based study (click on ref 13) dozens of researchers and medical centers conclusively demonstrated the value of AMAS as a screening tool for finding cancers early.
All cancers make anti-malignin antibody. Because we are making cancer cells all of the time, anti-malignin antibodies are present at low levels in everyone. Normally, a healthy immune system (one with activated macrophages) is destroying these cancer cells as they are formed. An AMAS level that rises beyond the baseline of 135, however, tells us that the immune system is not getting rid of those new cancer cells in a timely way, and their numbers are therefore increasing. Cancer is afoot.
AMAS is both a cancer screening test and a cancer monitoring test. In other words you can use it to determine whether cancer is present, and you can use it to track therapy.
The brainchild of neurochemist Samuel Bogoch, M.D., Ph.D., AMAS is similar to the PSA for prostate cancer and CEA for colorectal cancer, except that AMAS simultaneously screens for all cancer types, not just one.
A positive AMAS will tell you that cancer is present, but it won’t tell you what kind of cancer it is, and it won’t tell you where that cancer is located. (Not knowing a cancer’s name and location tends to drive doctors nuts; “How can you treat a cancer when you don’t know what it is or where it is?)
How AMAS works
Our immune system recognizes an antigenic protein on the surface of cancer cells. In 1988 Dr. Bogoch discovered this antigen and named it “malignin.” When our immune system identifies the presence of malignin, it starts making anti-malignin antibodies. Dr. Bogoch then developed the AMAS test, which signals the presence of cancer by identifying the presence of anti-malignin antibodies.
Using the AMAS for monitoring cancer
When a treatment shrinks a cancer, the AMAS will go down. Whether that treatment is surgery, chemo, radiation, an alternative cancer therapy like GcMAF, or spontaneous remission—if the cancer is smaller, the AMAS goes down. If cancer remains, the AMAS is positive. When a cancer is gone (again, regardless of cause), the AMAS reverts to normal.
A rising AMAS tells us cancer is growing
AMAS is an extremely precise immunoassay. Levels above baseline indicate the presence of cancer with 95% accuracy on the first testing and over 99% accuracy when tested twice.
The cutoff point for a positive AMAS is 135. More than 99% of patients with cancer have AMAS levels above 135. AMAS levels below 135 are seen in normal individuals who do not have cancer.
Sequential AMAS levels can also be used to track tumor advancement and the effectiveness of therapies. AMAS levels will always increase if cancer is growing and spreading. Conversely, AMAS levels will decrease if the cancer is being effectively destroyed (whether by surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, GcMAF, or other alternative cancer therapies).
AMAS and breast cancer
AMAS has identified breast cancers as small as a pencil dot (too small for any form of imaging).
Clinical research data shows that breast cancer can only be presumed cured if the AMAS returns to normal (<135) after treatment and that breast cancer cannot be presumed to be in remission unless AMAS returns to normal.
The usual followup methods for breast cancer include imaging (CT scans, MRIs, or x-rays) and hormonal blood tests, looking for signs of cancer after treatment. AMAS testing provides a much more accurate way to know whether cancer is still present, and at a fraction of the cost. Not to mention the inconvenience.
Although these studies were done only on breast cancer patients, there is no reason to believe that the results would not apply to all types of cancer.
Cancer patients who no longer have evidence of cancer on imaging, but do have a positive AMAS test could nip a returning cancer in the bud by utilizing natural alternative cancer therapies (including GcMAF when it becomes available).
Avoiding unnecessary biopsies
If a patient has a mass on imaging, the AMAS will tell whether it is malignant or not. A negative AMAS means the mass is not cancerous, and therefore a biopsy is not necessary. Use of the AMAS test could thus reduce the pain and suffering of needless biopsies. Not to mention the cost.
AMAS compared to Nagalase
AMAS differs from Nagalase in that AMAS is specific for cancer, while Nagalase identifies an enzyme made by both viruses and cancer cells and is therefore unable (by itself) to distinguish between the two. Because Nagalase testing cannot distinguish the difference between cancer and virus, AMAS is a better screening test for cancer.
How to order the AMAS test
To order a free AMAS kit, call 1-800-922-8378 or order online at: http://www.oncolabinc.com. AMAS is a product of Oncolab, Inc., 36 The Fenway, Boston, MA 02215. Phone: 800 922 8378 or 617-536-0850.
Please note
According to Oncolab: The AMAS test “should be used in the context of good clinical judgment by a physician experienced in the treatment of cancer.”
“A normal AMAS level can occur in non-cancer, in terminal cancer, and in successfully treated cancer in which there is no further evidence of disease; clinical status must be used to distinguish these states.”
“As in all clinical laboratory tests, the AMAS test is not by itself diagnostic of the presence or absence of disease, and its results can only be assessed as an aid to diagnosis, detection or monitoring of disease in relation to the history, medical signs and symptoms and the overall
Please watch out for another new research book soon set for launch on GcMaf that will introduce you to the wonders of the biomarker testing combined with immunotherapy techniques that can battle many types of cancer.
We will have a link to this book once it launches.
Source: The GcMAF Book (2.0)

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