Make food that is high in antioxidants and vitamins, that your immune system craves


It’s important to keep your immune system strong whatever the season. Let food be thy medicine. It’s been the same since the dawn of time. Eat well and you will be well.

So just like most of you we took to the kitchen during our time of isolation. It’s the heart of the home and everyone can pitch in to make a meal that will feed the family with nutrition and help keep us all strong during these times.

Shepherd’s Pie is an old British dish traditionally made with minced beef and mashed potato. It’s easy to take your old family favorites and swap some ingredients around to create a meal that the family will enjoy, but is also very good for them too.

We swapped the meat for lentils and veg and its just as hearty and wholesome. It’s easy to make and is free from starch, sugar, wheat, meat and dairy. Ah yes its also guilt free too so go ahead and have a second portion.

It is also great for anyone suffering an auto immune disorder such as cancer, diabetes, arthritis, or autism.

Check out this section for more recipes like this.


Made with entirely organic ingredient

2 shallots, or a medium sized onion

2 cloves of garlic (use one if you prefer, but garlic adds flavor, so we use two)

1 stick of celery

2 carrots

5 chestnut mushrooms

½ broccoli

1 beet

2 kallo organic vegetable gluten free stock cubes

1 cup (250ml) of water

1 Jar (400g) of brown lentils (better to use beans that you have soaked overnight)

1 Jar (400g) Red Kidney beans (better to use beans that you have soaked overnight)

A Handful of spinach

1 tsp Ground black pepper, Sage, Paprika and ½ tsp Cayenne Pepper

1 tbsp. Maca Root powder (optional, but great for the immune system)

1 tbsp. Hemp powder (optional, but great for the immune system)

For the topping

1kg of sweet potatoes and or cauliflower.

1 tbspn of almond milk, or coconut milk.


One avocado

Half pack of Rocket salad

tbsp olive oil

tbsp organic balsamic oil

Optional extras for protein and nutrition

Sprouted beans

Sprouted broccoli and alfalfa


3 pears


Grnd cinammon

Crushed nuts (brazil nuts, cashew nuts and walnuts, or any others you may have)



Note: Organic doesn’t always mean that the vegetables have not been sprayed, so wash them before use. To do this

  • Take a stainless steel bowl and fill with the vegetables, pour in some apple cider vinegar
  • Add filtered water until all the vegetables are submerged
  • Leave to stand for 10 minutes
  • Drain and wash with more filtered water until the smell of vinegar has gone.

To get the sweet potatoes going, boil a cup of of filtered water in a stainless steel pan.

Try to avoid non stick pans as they can become carcinogenic after too much washing. So we use stainless steel to avoid this. (Cast iron is even better, plus you get more of a work out as they are heavier!)

Peel and slice the sweet potatoes. Add these to the boiling water with a pinch of salt. Turn down and simmer for 10 minutes. Drain the water and mash the potatoes with a masher in the pan. Add seasoning and a little almond, or coconut milk to bind it and add some flavor.

Heat the oven at 180C (350F) fan oven (200C or 390F if not fan assisted)

As soon as the potatoes are boiling move onto the filling.

Heat a casserole pot with a tspn of coconut oil. Sautee the sliced shallots/onion and then add the sliced celery. Stir for a minute, then add the crushed garlic to the pan.

Peel and dice the carrots and add to the pan. Mix it all together thoroughly.

Wipe the mushrooms with a piece of kitchen tissue to clean them (washing them makes them mushy, so wiping is better), slice them as small as possible, as you want to mix the flavors throughout. It’s a “mincy” texture we want.

Add a tspn of Ground black pepper, Sage, Paprika and ½ tspn Cayenne Pepper.

Rinse the brown lentils and Red Kidney beans with filtered water (until the water runs clear) and add to the pot mix.

Next, add the 2 kallo organic vegetable gluten free stock cubes and mix in. Then add 1 cup (250ml) of water. Stir thoroughly.

Add chopped broccoli for extra greens and texture. They make it seem more “mincey” when finely chopped.

Turn up the heat of the pan to boil, then reduce and simmer for 10-15 minutes, or until the beans are soft. Then turn off the heat.

Add and mix in a tbsp. Maca Root powder (optional, but great for the immune system) and a tbsp. Hemp powder (also optional, but great for the immune system).

Then add and mix in a handful of rinsed spinach. Chop and break the spinach in to mix in well. Now pour the mix into a casserole dish and flatten.

Then take the mashed sweet potato and spread evenly over the top to cover and make a mice flat topping crust.

Make stripes with a fork across the top to lift the potato which will crisp in the oven. You can also add some parsley, rosemary, or pumpkin seeds for extra texture and flavor.

Place in the oven for 15-20 minutes and until the potato goes brown around the edges.

Note: You can also use mashed cauliflower for the topping crust, or make stripes for the using both! We have wonderful colours with vegetables, so use them, the kids will love the nolvelty and fun, especially if they help with the cooking. Add beets for even more color!


Serve with a clean simple sliced avocado and rocket salad in a bowl.

Mix the olive oil and balsamic vinegar separately in a small bowl with a dash of pepper, then drizzle this over the rocket and avocado salad.

Top with sprouted beans, or sprouted broccoli and alfalfa for extra crunch, protein and a big hit of nutrition.

Now serve

We like to serve our food in the casserole dish in the centre of the table all together, so everyone can have the portion they want and serving is about the family helping each other. Meals are very sociable occasions and so make it part of the ritual.

Today we pushed the boat and also had baked pear. It meant everyone finished their plates as they were excited about the desert.

Store the rest in the fridge as it will also taste better the next day.


Once the shepherd’s pie comes out I put the sliced pears in, so that its ready at about the right time.

It takes around 15-20 minutes in a 180C (356F) fan oven (200C if not a fan) to bake them depending on the type of pear. If its harder it may take a little longer to get nice and soft in the oven.

Wash the pears as above and then cut into halves. Just take out the little core bit.

Crush nuts and mix them together, Brazil, Cashew and walnuts are nice together ( we use Brazil nuts as they are high in selenium, which is good for your immune system)

Pour this mix into the core hole you made in the pear.

I put a little blueberry or two under the top end to keep them flat. But that’s up to you!

Drizzle on some organic honey and then sprinkle with cinnamon powder.


We love cooking healthy dishes that are good for everyone. Please see this article for more about the need to eat a clean healthy diet when battling cancer, or any other auto immune disease.



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Love and Light
The Healing Oracle Team
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About Healing Oracle

The Healing Oracle team is made up of a group of unpaid volunteers. Collectively we share the same interests and goals and comprise of decades of medical and holistic experience. 

Our mission is to spread our knowledge and experience of the medical world, from both sides of the so called divide between holistic and mainstream practices. There is good and bad on both sides and we hope to unite the best of both worlds.

Please read our philosophy, here in this article from MD Fermin Celma