Thymulin is a naturally occurring hormone and has been proven to help with immunity impaired diseases like autism, dementia, Rheumatoid Arthritis and cancer to name a few.

Thymulin is an essential component to our immune system, but as we age, we no longer produce it. This has a detrimental effect on our bodies ability to fight disease.

(Formula: C33H54N12O15 Molar mass: 858.85 g/mol)

Thymulin is a thymic hormone exclusively produced by the epithelial cells of the thymus, discovered in the 1970s and are strongly influenced by the neuro-endocrine system

Thymulin is also known as a hypophysiotropic peptide and is an immune modulator molecule, and is critical for the development of active T-cells, as part of an overall functioning immune system.

Thymus gland
The Thymus gland


The ageing process

The problem is that as we age the Thymus naturally slows it’s production, which leads to the decreased and final inactivity of the thymus in older age, which in turn is associated with an impaired immune response, increasing our susceptibility to severe infections, as well as the development of cancers and tumors.

Thymus is essential for the immune system

An input of Thymic immune-modulators (Thymulin) has been proven to have the potential of restoring the integrity of thymic activity in the thymus, thus restoring impaired immunological reactivity.

Thymalin also has a hematopoietic effect, stimulating the processes of regeneration and blood formation and also improves the course of the processes of cellular metabolism.

It regulates the number and ratio of T-and B-lymphocytes and their subpopulations stimulate cellular immunity reactions.

It also enhances phagocytosis – the necessary ingestion processes at cell level of foreign debris.


Thymulin is a well-characterized thymic hormone with the following amino acid sequence: Pyro-Glu-Ala-Lys-Ser-Gln-Gly-Gly-Ser-Asn.

Thymulin must be taken alongside Zinc in order to express its biological activity.

Zinc deficiency in humans was recognized for the first time in 1963 and the present World Health Organization (WHO) estimate is that nearly 2 billion subjects living in the developing world may have zinc deficiency. This is mainly because they subsist on cereal proteins which contain high quantities of organic phosphate compounds, which combine with zinc making it unavailable for absorption.

The major adverse clinical effects of zinc deficiency are growth retardation, decreased cell-mediated immunity, impairment of cognitive functions, increased oxidative stress, and up regulation of inflammatory cytokines.

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) accounts for a large proportion of legal blindness in elderly subjects throughout the world. The Age-Related Eye Disease Study Group (AREDS) was supported by National Eye Institute.

Thymulin helps with chemotherapy and radiotherapy

Thymulin is also a very effective when used in conjunction with chemotherapy and radiotherapy for cancer patients. It has the ability to restore the immune system and improve the effects of other pathological processes.

It can also prevent complications that arise from the infections that can often result from an impaired immune system following chemotherapy. It can also aid blood formation and the bodies regeneration processes in the post-traumatic and postoperative periods during and after radiation and chemotherapy.

Other uses for Thymulin

With frequent diseases of acute respiratory viral infections, purulent-septic infections or atopic dermatitis complicated by the herpes virus Thymulin is administered daily for 7–10 days in combination with other supplements and light medication.

Subsequent administration of the drug – 1 injection every other day for 1-2 weeks.

It is also effective for adults and children (from 6 months to 14 years) with any of the following disorders:

  • Immunodeficiency
  • Acute and chronic viral and bacterial infections
  • infectious purulent and septic disorders
  • Violation of regenerative processes
  • Erysipelas
  • Chronic pyelonephritis
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis
  • Radiation sickness
  • Thymus tumors
  • Prompt removal of the thymus, or persistent dysfunction of the thymus
  • It even has an anti-aging effect and can be taken as a preventative as well as a treatment.
  • Restores hair loss


Dosage and administration

To administer Thymulin, it is best injected deep into the muscles (avoiding contact with blood vessels).

Dilute the contents of the vial in 1 – 2 ml saline injectable, mix the contents with a slight shaking (not allowing the formation of foam) to obtain a uniform suspension.

Example dosage

The below is an overall guide of what you may expect to consider when administering Thymulin.


Studies have shown that Thymulin is best injected (subcutaneously)

  • Use 1 ml of a 0.01% solution (40 mcg/m2, or 1–2 mcg/kg)
  • It is also best to adminster Thymulin between the 17th and 20th hours of the evening.
  • Once a day
  • For 5–14 days

If necessary, the course of treatment can be continued for 1 month with 2 ml every 3rd day.

The course of treatment can be repeated 2–3 weeks later.

If you are considering Thymulin for preventive measures, then reduce the amounts to 5-10mg intramuscularly daily (adults).

For children

(6 months to 14 years old)

Thymulin is prescribed subcutaneously at 2–3 mcg per 1kg of body weight


Hair loss

Zinc Thymulin (ZT) is used to regenerate hair lost as a result of androgenic alopecia.

Hair loss occurs in a large percentage of the adult human population and increases in prevalence with increasing age. Hair loss may occur in males and in females but is more prevalent in males. In the western population it is estimated that 50% of the male population have noticeable hair loss by 50 years of age. The most common form of hair loss in men is termed androgenetic alopecia (male pattern baldness).

Most hair loss involves inactivation of hair follicles, that is, hair follicles cease to grow hair. Literature also suggests that the thinning of the fat scalp layer due to age can contribute to hair loss through inactivation of the stem cells which regulate hair growth. A deficiency of Zinc will also lead to hair loss.

Zinc and thymulin are two natural compounds involved in hair follicle growth and have been studied and found to promote hair growth.

Combined into a spray solution, ZT can be applied to the scalp to treat hair loss, bald patches and as well as initiate the angen hair growth phase (the active growth phase of hair follicles during which the root of the hair is dividing rapidly).

Testing has shown to be safe and effective, with proven clinical results published in the peer reviewed medical journal Hair Therapy and Transplantation.

Benefits of ZT:

  • Can improve hair growth
  • Can improve quantity of hair
  • Can prevent hair loss
  • Can improve endogenous hair pigmentation
  • A variety of alopecia states can be treated
  • Both women and men can be treated
  • Treatment may be combined with known other hair restoration methods




If you have any problems accessing Thymulin then please contact us at: [email protected] 


Please see this study where Researchers of the St. Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology of the North-Western Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Institute of Gerontology of the Ukrainian Academy of Medical Sciences (Kiev) clinically assessed the geroprotective effects of thymic (Thymulin) and pineal Epithalamin (Epitalon) peptide bioregulators in 266 elderly and older persons during 6–8 years, both peptides were given at 10 mg daily for ten consecutive days once every 6 months.

The study states: “The obtained results convincingly showed the ability of the bioregulators to normalize the basic functions of the human organism, i.e. to improve the indices of cardiovascular, endocrine, immune and nervous systems, homeostasis and metabolism. Homeostasis restoration was accompanied by a 2.0–2.4-fold decrease in acute respiratory disease incidence, reduced incidence of the clinical manifestations of ischemic heart disease, hypertension disease and osteoporosis as compared to the control.

Such a significant improvement in the health state of the peptide-treated patients correlated with decreased mortality rate during observation: 2.0–2.1-fold in the Thymalin-treated group

1.6–1.8-fold in the Epithalamin-treated group

2.5-fold in the patients treated with Thymalin plus Epithalamin (Epitalon) as compared to the control.”

A separate group of patients was treated with Thymulin in combination with Epithalamin annually for 6 years and their mortality rate decreased 4.1 times as compared to the control.


Please see here for further Studies

Studies and clinical trials of Thymulin (Click to expand)

This article is for educational purposes only. Please seek the advice of a medical professional before you take or, administer Thymulin and any injectable substance.

Warning: The use of Thymalin is not recommended during pregnancy, or breast feeding. Please talk to your practitioner for more advice if you are pregnant, or breast feeding.


Pub Med

Schemantic Scholar  




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Global Petition

Please sign our global petition against enforced vaccinations The intention of this petition is to present 5 million signatures to each President, Prime Minister, Health Minister and heads of state worldwide.
Vaccines are a global problem and need to be tackled on a global level.
If we stand as one, we have a chance of saving the children of the future.

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The Healing Oracle team is made up of a group of unpaid volunteers. Collectively we share the same interests and goals and comprise of decades of medical and holistic experience. 

Our mission is to spread our knowledge and experience of the medical world, from both sides of the so called divide between holistic and mainstream practices. There is good and bad on both sides and we hope to unite the best of both worlds.

Please read our philosophy, here in this article from MD Fermin Celma