Reports have been circulating around the natural health community of a compound known as GcMAF, which stands for ‘Gc (protein) Macrophage Activating Factor’, which has a remarkable effect on cancer, Autism and many other terminal conditions.

GcMAF is an essential human protein our bodies that naturally destroys cancer cells. All 5 billion healthy humans make their own GcMAF. A human makes 10,000 – 100,000 cancer cells a day, but your GcMAF, which has six attacks on cancer, destroys them every day.

If you have a severe shock, such as losing your house or catching pneumonia, that may give cancer the chance to send out an enzyme (nagalase) to prevent your body making its own GcMAF. If so, that stops the six attacks on cancer; without GcMAF, your immune system also collapses, and the cancer becomes chronic.

Please see this article for a real life story of how Immunotherapy Bulgarian GcMAF works for even the rarest types of cancer.

We have witnessed macrophages (a type of immune cell), which have been treated with GcMAF become empowered and consume human breast cancer cells and clusters of cancer cells are mercilessly devoured.

Watch this video explaining how GCMaf works in the body.

We have seen patients all suffering from advanced cancers, within a few weeks, their tumor volume had decreased by an average of 25%

While some clinical results were compared to chemo in tumor-shrinking power, OA- complexed GcMAF, along with some other types of OA- complexed proteins, destroys cancer cells without any ill effects on healthy cells. And so unlike chemotherapy that is so damaging

GCMaf contains no side effects

One patient discussed in research is a 56-year-old man suffering from a recurrence of metastatic squamous cell carcinoma that was “successfully” treated with chemo and radiation, but of course the cancer was not eradicated entirely and so metastised.

Because of his cancer’s location, GcMAF was administered by both a nebulizer and subcutaneous injections. Even after only 5 days of treatment, ultrasonography had shown that his tumors had shrunk by approximately one quarter. He also reported improvement in breathing, with ventilation in the apical right lobe improving. 

Another patient was a 62-year-old woman with “extensive” breast cancer and no history of conventional treatment. Within one week, the diameter of the two main lymph metastases (the primary tumor was unable to be measured due to size) shrunk from 3.9 to 3.46cm.

If you are having trouble sourcing genuine GcMAF then please contact us here and we will be happy to help

While GcMAF has anti-proliferative, anti-metastatic abilities, oleic acid has its own anticancer properties and may assist in binding to cell membranes. Together, they are 200 times more potent than GcMAF alone in destroying cancer cells in vitro. They also increase levels of nitric oxide, which has anticancer as well as antihypertensive properties.

Other documented cases show similar results. For example, a 63-year-old woman with colon cancer that later spread to her lungs and liver experienced a reduction in her liver tumor from 13 to 6.6mL in only 2 weeks of treatment! This was once again achieved by alternating nebulization and injection of OA-GcMAF.

Another patient was a 43-year old-woman with metastatic breast cancer to the bone and liver. After 1 week of both inhaled OA-GcMAF and that injected into her breast, her primary tumor shrunk from 1.8 to 1.3 mL, which was considered representative of four other cases.

Some are less dramatic, such as that of a man in his 30\s who experienced a reduction in one of his melanoma metastases from 52.1 to 48.6mm.

It does not work alone

It’s important to note that as effective as GcMAF is, it is never administered alone. The body is a complex inter related system and what you eat, drink and your lifestyle is just as important when you are sick. So GCMaf must be administered alongside a vegetarian diet; vitamin D3, omega-3 fatty acids, and fermented products containing naturally-occurring GcMAF.

Please see this article for a real life story of how Genuine Immunotherapy Bulgarian GcMAF works for autism.

Also in this study, GcMAF is described as being complexed with oleic acid (OA), which is found in olive oil.

You cannot make it at home

There have been many counterfeit examples of GCMaf that have flooded the market and have had an effect on the reputation of the product.

Overall, the use of GcMAF as a safe treatment alternative looks promising

Please also see our GCMaf section for more information

For information on ordering GcMaf, please email: [email protected]

Love and Light

Healing Oracle


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Love and Light
The Healing Oracle Team
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About Healing Oracle

The Healing Oracle Team is made up of a group of unpaid volunteers.
Collectively we share the same interests and goals and comprise of decades of medical and holistic experience.

Our mission is to spread our knowledge and experience of the medical world, from both sides of the so called divide between holistic and mainstream practices. There is good and bad on both sides and we hope to unite the best of both worlds.

Please read our philosophy, here in this article from MD Fermin Celma

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