Cayenne pepper is a red, hot little spice that originates from South and Central America, the West Indies, and Mexico. The powerful heat it creates, improves the flavor of various dishes and foods, while its active ingredient, Capsaicin, offers a myriad of medicinal properties and is a potent pain reliever.

Dr.Mercola reports:“Cancer Treatment Centers of America listed 11 foods with cancer-fighting properties and placed cayenne pepper near the top. There are reasons for that…

A single teaspoon of cayenne pepper imparts 15 percent of the daily recommended value in vitamin A (good for fighting infection, as well as to maintain healthy mucous membranes, from your lungs to your urinary tract), and 3 percent of the vitamin E (aka alpha-tocopherol). Red peppers also tend to have a higher carotenoid content – especially lycopene and astaxanthin, the latter arguably being the most powerful antioxidant in nature!”


“Cayenne peppers are an excellent source of vitamin C, which provides collagen synthesis to retain healthy skin, blood vessels, bones and organs, and helps boost your immunity.

Vitamin K maintains healthy blood flow. Cayenne is also a good source of vitamin B6, manganese, niacin, riboflavin, magnesium, and iron, as well as potassium, which helps control your heart rate and blood pressure.”

Cayenne pepper is, apparently, one of the most powerful ways to stop bleeding as well.

According to eHow:

“Long hailed as a miracle-working substance, cayenne pepper can stop bleeding in less than one minute under most circumstances. The reason it works is because cayenne pepper reacts with the body to equalize the blood pressure, meaning an extra gushing of pressure will not be concentrated in the wound area as it normally is. Blood will quickly clot when the pressure is equalized.”

It actually normalizes blood pressure and thus eases the blood clotting process. You can either apply it topically or take it orally.

Dr. John Christopher in his book School of Natural Healing provides the needed guidelines for its oral consumption:

“…take a teaspoonful of cayenne in a glass of extra-warm water, drink it down, and by the count of ten, the bleeding will stop. Instead of all the pressure being centralized, it is equalized, and the clotting becomes more rapid. Whether the bleeding is internal or external, a teaspoon of cayenne taken orally in a glass of hot water will stop the bleeding quickly.”

Cayenne pepper will protect your minor cuts from infecting, due to the powerful antibacterial properties that prevent the entrance of bacteria in the body.

The following video provides additional information:




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