Turning to chemotherapy for cancer treatment is a bit like Russian roulette: It could kill the cancer, or it could make you sicker and result in the development of new cancers.

Though it’s pretty much impossible to locate statistics on chemotherapy-related deaths (because they’re ruled as a result of cancer), some experts assert that chemotherapy has the potential to hasten one’s death, compared to individuals who forgo treatment altogether.

Dr. Hardin B. Jones, a former professor of medical physics and physiology at the University of California, Berkeley, shares this opinion. After studying the life spans of cancer patients for more than 25 years, Jones concluded that chemotherapy simply doesn’t work.

He observed innumerable cancer patients who received chemotherapy and died an unpeaceful death, many of whom met their fate much sooner than those who forwent all treatment.

Chemotherapy may hasten cancer patients’ deaths

“After investigating this further, Dr. Jones found that cancer patients who underwent chemotherapy actually died quicker, in most cases, than those who followed their doctors’ recommendations by getting the treatment,” reported Natural News.

“A few number-crunching efforts later and Dr. Jones exposed a fact that the conventional cancer industry doesn’t want the world to know about its multi-billion-dollar cash cow.”

Jones’ findings were published in the journal Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences. In it he wrote: “People who refused treatment lived for an average of 12 and a half years. Those who accepted other kinds of treatment lived on an average of only 3 years.”

His discovery also applied to breast cancer patients: Women that forwent traditional treatments including chemotherapy, radiation and surgery, opting for no treatment instead, lived four times longer than those receiving harsh, conventional treatments.

Cancer is without a doubt one of the most threatening diseases to human beings. But you don’t have to fall victim to it, and you don’t have to succumb to harmful treatments, either. There are cures out there – cures that work without harming the body and cures that help ward of recurring cancers.

The Truth About Cancer docu-series

While the medical establishment has tried to suppress this information, health freedom advocate and cancer researcher Ty Bollinger has worked tirelessly to bring the truth to the forefront via a nine-part docu-series that teaches viewers how to cure cancer using alternative methods.

The Truth About Cancer documentary was first released in 2015 but has been brought back with brand new information that you don’t want to miss. Its re-release will be available free online beginning April 12.

By clicking here, you can view the docu-series online for FREE, as well as learn more about how it was made. All you have to do to view the free screening is to enter your name and email address.

From an online description of the documentary series:

“And though it features interviews with many of today’s leading cancer experts – including M.D.s, scientists, and more – the mainstream media refused to air it. Now ‘The Truth About Cancer’ is about to release the complete series again… worldwide. And when you enter your name and best email and submit, you’ll be on the exclusive list to see it all first, 100% FREE.”

Please see other articles regarding vaccines



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