But more discussion is needed…

The ACIP Committee (Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices) meeting yesterday (Oct 19th 2018) included discussion on the Hep A vaccine. This committee is solely responsible for the CDC recommendations of vaccines. While there was a 100% unanimous vote to approve a new paediatric, as well as a new adult immunization schedule, there needs to be some clarification as to what those changes include and if they in fact included a recommendation for a new born vaccination of the Hep A. 

Unfortunately, the discussion portion was not recorded and comments made about additions to the paediatric schedule are not available until the CDC updates their schedule on their site.

Prior to injecting your child with a vaccine containing aluminium hydroxide, Polysorbate 20, neomycin, and contaminated with latex and the residual DNA from a 14 week old aborted male foetus, clearly some questions should be asked!

Watch this video of this brave retired nurse as she speaks out passionately about her own experiences of vaccines:


And another speaker voices her opinion to deaf ears:



Besides a Vaccine, what is the best prevention?

CDC says:

“Given that the virus is transmitted through the faecal-oral route, good hand hygiene—including hand washing after using the bathroom, changing diapers, and before preparing, or eating food—is integral to hepatitis A prevention.”

How serious is Hepatitis A?

Most people who get Hepatitis A feel sick for several weeks, but they usually recover completely and do not have lasting liver damage. In rare cases, hepatitis A can cause liver failure and death; this is more common in people older than 50 and in people with other liver diseases. – CDC

CDC says persons at Increased risk for Hepatitis A Infection are those populations with poor sanitation, men who have sex with men and drug users. 

How common is hepatitis A in the United States?

In 2016, there were an estimated 4,000 hepatitis A cases in the United States. -CDC

How long does hepatitis A virus survive outside the body?

The hepatitis A virus is able to survive outside the body for months. High temperatures, such as boiling or cooking food or liquids for at least 1 minute at 185°F (85°C), kill the virus, although freezing temperatures do not.

How safe is the vaccine?

Looking at the ingredients of the 3 different HepA vaccines: 

  • Havrix contains aluminum hydroxide, Polysorbate 20, neomycin (an antibiotic). 
  • Twinrix is a combination vaccine that is intended to protect against both hepatitis A and hepatitis B.
  •  Vaqta Contains aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate. It also has traces of bovine albumin and formaldehyde and is also contaminated with latex.




Each of these vaccines are manufactured using MRC-5, which was derived from a cell line that was developed in 1966 from lung tissue taken from a 14-week aborted fetus. Residual human DNA remains in the vaccines.

What about vaccine reactions?

MedAlerts search engine of VAERS, as of July 31, 2018, there have been more than 39,224 reports of hepatitis a containing vaccine reactions, hospitalizations, injuries and deaths following hepatitis a containing vaccinations made to the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), including 135 related deaths, 2,991 hospitalizations, and 820 related disabilities. Over 50% of those serious Hepatitis A vaccine-related adverse events occurred in adults between seventeen and forty-four years old.

Besides a Vaccine What is the Best Prevention?

The CDC says, 

“Given that the virus is transmitted through the fecal-oral route, good hand hygiene—including handwashing after using the bathroom, changing diapers, and before preparing or eating food—is integral to hepatitis A prevention.”

While these brave ladies spoke the committee fiddled with their phones acting like they weren’t paying attention.
Denise says, “We came … we saw.. we spoke … we will be back tomorrow”

ACIP meeting was streamed live and recorded.


List of Vaccine Ingredient


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