A pair of former Big Pharma scientists have accused their former employer, Merck & Co., of falsifying tests of an
watch the short video link below Amanda Mary senior cancer researcher
37 Million Bees Dropped Dead After Farms In Ontario, Canada Sprayed Neonictinoids On Their GMO Crops
Bees’ importance to the planet cannot be overstated. The tiny, bumbling bee is responsible for pollinating one-sixth of flowering plants
Recent Rise in Vaccine Victims’ Court Decisions and Concessions Not Reflected in Revised Government Chart In March, the federal government removed the latest
Professor Dr. Hardin B. Jones of Medical Physics and Physiology at Berkeley, California, studied cancer patients for 25 years and announced at
If you are not afraid of the truth and want to learn about health and why you could be sick,
NAGALASE IN BLOOD NAGALASE IN BLOOD – is a test for monitoring efficacy of therapy for cancer and certain viral
The media was praising the necessity of doubling the treatment time of an estrogen blocker called Tamoxifen. At first glance,
Laundry detergent commercials would have us thinking we`re wrapping ourselves in clean mountain air or the fresh scent of wildflowers
In the current melee of medical rights versus government mandates, vaxtremists often exclaim in disgust, “Eh, just go get a
A dose of mercury small enough to kill only 1 out of 100 rats will kill ALL 100 rats when
In this incredible interview from 2009, Andreas Moritz explains how cancer starts in the body. He also explains why the
It may surprise most people to find out that one of the most common treatments for a variety of cancers is
When a DIY gardener posted these jaw-dropping photos of his tomato plants online, everybody wanted to know her secret. Amanda Mary
Suppositories are often the butt of many jokes and puns, but rectal administration of cannabis has many advantages. In addition
WATCH: Time Lapse of Cannabis Eating Cancer Cells Description: Since 1974 studies have shown that cannabis has anti-tumor effects. The
Magical Elixir For Smokers – Cleanse Your Lungs Many long term smokers have dealt with bronchitis or persistent cough. The