Eyes that are Changing Colors with a Raw Vegan Diet

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This is a before and after picture of someone’s eyes. But how did they change color? Ah you see, the eyes are not only a window to your soul, they are also a window to your internal health!

A few days ago I had the wonderful pleasure of meeting Steve Factor, The Pure Energy Chef from Burbank, CA.

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Steve is a huge contribution to the raw vegan movement and a magnificent soul! He’s been awarded ‘Raw Coach of the Year’. He’s about to open up a juice bar in Burbank. He teaches raw vegan workshops at Whole Foods and has many videos on YouTube where you can hear him speak about all the benefits of living foods and the amazing PURE ENERGY they can provide for us. During our talk, we chatted about RAWKIN’ foods, as he likes to call them, and detoxing, which brought up Robert Morse, N.D.— one of my greatest heroes! Steve will be visiting Dr. Morse in Florida soon to work with him on a collaborative project.

Dr. Morse is one of the greatest healers of our time.
Through his practice, books, and online videos, he spreads awareness to the public about the most important aspect of true health that there is on the planet: DETOXIFICATION. He has an 85% healing rate of success and has treated over 250,000 patients. His belief is that the allopathic approach (pharmaceutical, surgical, radiation) to treating disease cannot offer any “cures” to diseases because they may only remove the symptoms and never take care of the root cause. He is a strong proponent of natural (traditional) medicine, which uses products made from natural sources or herbs to treat disease and regenerate the body. In general, the diagnostic procedures used in natural medicine, including iridology (which I will demonstrate in this article), kinsesiology, pulsing, hair or tissue analysis, and many others are non-ivasive and not harmful to the patient whatsoever, coupled with a raw vegan diet (high in alkalinity), can aid in the process of removing all the obstructions that halt the body’s miraculous self-healing mechanisms. He believes that there is no such thing as disease, only an alkaline or acidic condition of the body.

The reason I’m bringing this up is because I am very intrigued by one of Dr. Morse’s videos online that touched upon the subject of iridology. Iridology relates various spots on the eye to about 50 parts of the body. The innermost blue circle in both eyes, for example, is said to reflect the health of the stomach. The topmost quadrants are said to represent the brain (cerebrum and cerebellum) and other parts of the head. It has been said that the yellowish color around your pupil is sometimes an indication of your body’s toxicity. If this is true, then the more you detox, the less yellow you should have.

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Steve’s Eyes
And then here’s Steve, sitting in front of me, pulling out his iPhone to show me the progression of his detox through his iris! He got an iridology exam around the time he started eating 95% or more live vegan foods. Four years later, he gets another iridology exam, and the results are nothing short of amazing! And this is just in 4 years time. I’ve been wanting to try this out myself, as I am so curious to know how my eyes can change too over years of eating clean and detoxing.

And Steve is not the only person whose eyes have changed color. Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram, aka Fully Raw Kristina has a video where she talks about how her eyes changed from brown to greenish blue after years of eating a fully raw vegan diet.

We do the research you decide,
Love and Light
The Healing Oracle Team
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About Healing Oracle

The Healing Oracle team is made up of a group of unpaid volunteers. Collectively we share the same interests and goals and comprise of decades of medical and holistic experience. 

Our mission is to spread our knowledge and experience of the medical world, from both sides of the so called divide between holistic and mainstream practices. There is good and bad on both sides and we hope to unite the best of both worlds.

Please read our philosophy, here in this article from MD Fermin Celma

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