The MSM / Vitamin C Treatment For Cancer


Safety Notice #1:

Do not take Organic Sulfur if you are taking high doses of aspirin or any type of blood thinner!!

Safety Notice #2:

This protocol is synergistic with chemotherapy and makes chemotherapy more effective and less damaging!! However, if you are on any other type of prescription drug, do NOT use Organic Sulfur until after you talk to your pharmacist and physician about using high doses of Organic Sulfur (2 or 3 tablespoons’ of the crystals a day) with your prescription drugs. That is what pharmacists get paid to do.

Safety Notice #3:

Do not drink any form of tap water with this protocol, as tap water contains chlorine which can neutralize MSM. Use the hot water faucet if you are going to drink tap water or if you are going to use cold water, make sure it sits for at least an hour before using.


For those who are taking the Budwig Diet (e.g. Cellect-Budwig, Bill Henderson protocols, etc.) MSM and Vitamin C should NOT be used within 3 hours of the Budwig Diet, on both sides. It is perfectly safe to take MSM and Vitamin C, but not within the 3 hours on both sides.

1) Organic Sulfur (Sometimes Called MSM)

Organic sulfur IS MSM, but MSM is not necessarily organic sulfur. Do not buy MSM unless you are certain it is pure organic sulfur (i.e. it has no fillers or chemicals). This website endorses an “Organic Sulfur” vendor which sells pure MSM.

“Organic Sulfur Water” is made by putting 12 Tablespoons of true organic sulfur into a gallon jug of purified water (which has ZERO chlorine in it). I would not use distilled water as a person should not take too much distilled water as it might leech minerals out of the body. Use “purified water” for example.

If you use tap water, either use the tap water from the “hot” faucet (and let it cool off) or let the water sit for at least an hour before putting any organic sulfur in it!!!

The dose of organic sulfur (crystal) is 2 Tablespoons a day, though in this protocol the 2 tablespoons will be spread into 4 equal doses. This will be explained below.

However, for those who have had chemotherapy, or are currently on chemotherapy, they need to take 3 Tablespoons of Organic Sulfur crystals every day. This will also be explained below.

True organic sulfur can deal with pain (because it gets oxygen inside the cells) and it can deal with inflammation for the same reason. But this oxygen also can kill the microbes inside the cancer cells which in turn can revert the cancer cells into normal cells. See the “What Causes Cancer” article, which is linked to on the left side-bar, which is the column of links on the left side of most pages.

Organic Sulfur can also take the “trash” out of the cell every 12 hours. It can also get rid of heavy metals, which is important for many cancer patients and most patients with brain disorders. This also means that cancer patients with brain fog may benefit from this treatment, depending on what is causing the brain fog.

While organic sulfur is a superb cancer treatment by itself, adding Vitamin C is like adding chocolate sauce to vanilla ice cream.

The difference between true “organic sulfur” and inferior MSM is so important it could mean the difference between life and death when using this protocol!!!

Air is 21% oxygen. Water is 89% oxygen. The oxygen from air gets to the lungs, heart and muscles. However, it is the oxygen from water that needs to get inside the cells both to make the cells healthy, to give them energy and to kill microbes inside the cells.

True organic sulfur is what grabs the oxygen from the water and transports the oxygen inside the cells. This produces a surge of oxygen into the cancer cells.

There is no way to describe the importance of true organic sulfur in the treatment of cancer, brain disorders and many other health conditions!! Every part of the human body (including the brain) is made of cells. Getting sulfur and oxygen inside these cells is critical for all aspects of health!!

Organic sulfur comes in one pound bags. It is more cost-effective to buy two pounds (i.e. two bags), or more, at a time. Here is an approved vendor of true “organic sulfur”:

H2O Air Water America

2) ZERO Intake of Chlorinated Water

At NO time, and under NO circumstances, should you drink any water or any other liquid with chlorine in it!!!

Chlorine in water will damage the effectiveness of true organic sulfur. What chlorine does is block the oxygen from getting inside the cells. It is necessary to guarantee you are not consuming any chlorine.


There are several ways to insure you are not taking chlorinated water.

First, drink your water solely from the “hot water” side of your faucet, even if the water is cold. The water that comes from the hot water tank, even if it is cold, has had its chlorine dissolved.

It is also important to not take the water from the “hot water” side of the faucet until it has run for a few seconds to make sure no cold water is still in the pipes.

A second way to get rid of chlorine is to squeeze the juice from one or two lemons in the tap water and let it sit for at least 20 minutes!! This will also make sure the chlorine is dissolved.

3) Drink Enough Non-Chlorinated Water

For each pound (U.S. pound) take half that number in ounces of non-chlorinated water.

For example, if the patient weighs 200 pounds, they should drink at least 100 ounces of non-chlorinated water to aid this protocol.

Drinking this water should be spread out during the day.

4) Get Out In The Sun For 30 Minutes a Day

Ultraviolet light from the sun is important for this protocol. As a minimum the face and bare arms should be in the sunlight for half-an-hour each day. Cloudy days, except for when there are very thick clouds, counts for this time.

For those who cannot get out in the sun, due to health or weather, they can use an Ultraviolet A lamp indoors. Do NOT use an Ultraviolet B or Ultraviolet C lamp.

They are available where-ever party (i.e. a teen-age party) products are sold. They are also sold on the Internet.

For example, a person can lay on the floor or bed and have a light next to their naked leg, either on the side or above the leg. All of the black light should be beside or above flesh.

I would also not use it where the head is for concerns that dental amalgam will be released. Use the leg or arm or body, as long as it is below the neck. Wearing a surgeon’s mask will help protect any dental amalgam from being released by the UV light.

Also, I am concerned about dehydration if the person uses an ultraviolet A lamp (at the ICRF we researched ultraviolet light so we understand the safety issues). Put a damp cloth on the skin, AFTER the use of the ultraviolet lamp, for a few minutes.

5) Take 1/2 Teaspoon of “Real Salt” Daily

“Real Salt” is a specific brand of salt and it is loaded with a vast number of natural minerals which are important for oxygen transports and many other purposes.

6) One or Two Drops of 7% Lugol’s Iodine

The Food and Drug Administration has limited certain concentrations and volumes of iodine from being available to the general public.

The dose is one or two drops of 7% iodine a day. I would put it in a small glass of purified water.

We do the research you decide,
Love and Light
The Healing Oracle Team
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The Healing Oracle team is made up of a group of unpaid volunteers. Collectively we share the same interests and goals and comprise of decades of medical and holistic experience. 

Our mission is to spread our knowledge and experience of the medical world, from both sides of the so called divide between holistic and mainstream practices. There is good and bad on both sides and we hope to unite the best of both worlds.

Please read our philosophy, here in this article from MD Fermin Celma

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