Homemade Non-Petroleum Jelly (aka DIY “Vaseline”)

Make Your Own Petroleum {FREE} Jelly


Homemade Non-Petroleum Jelly (aka DIY “Vaseline”)


1/8 cup grated beeswax (about 1 ounce) I used beeswax pellets that I had ordered off Amazon a while ago.
1/2 cup cold pressed olive oil

Combine beeswax and oil in a small saucepan. Melt over very low heat or in the top of a double boiler. Pour into a jar to cool.


Beeswax pellets I bought in bulk off of Amazon.com


I used cold pressed extra virgin olive oil that I use for everyday cooking.




I didn’t use a double boiler….but I melted the beeswax into the olive oil at a VERY LOW TEMPERATURE.


Even at that LOW temp….it melted together VERY quickly!


Then I poured it into a 1/2 pint mason jar and set it on the window ledge in the kitchen with the window cracked open. It hardened up within 30 minutes.


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The Healing Oracle Team
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The Healing Oracle team is made up of a group of unpaid volunteers. Collectively we share the same interests and goals and comprise of decades of medical and holistic experience. 

Our mission is to spread our knowledge and experience of the medical world, from both sides of the so called divide between holistic and mainstream practices. There is good and bad on both sides and we hope to unite the best of both worlds.

Please read our philosophy, here in this article from MD Fermin Celma

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