The Global Polio Eradication Program, supported by the United Nation’s World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF, Rotary International, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), is planning to immunize 74 million African children in 22 countries in the coming months. The purpose is to stem a wild polio epidemic, the epicenter of which is oil-rich Nigeria, the most populous country in Africa. The vaccine program hit a snag last Fall when Islamic clerics in the predominantly Muslim-populated areas of northern Nigeria claimed the WHO program was a plot by westerners to depopulate the area. Laboratory tests revealed estrogen and other female sex hormones in the polio vaccine, proof that the vaccines were contaminated with substances that could cause sterility. Furthermore, Nigerian officials became aware of internet reports suggesting the WHO vaccine might be contaminated with HIV (the AIDS virus) and other cancer-causing viruses. African blacks are as suspicious of government vaccines programs as American blacks. A 1990 survey of African-Americans in New York City showed 30% believed AIDS is an ethno-specific bioweapon designed in a laboratory to kill black people. Dr. David Heymann, who heads the WHO eradication program, says the oral polio vaccine (which contains live but attenuated polio virus) is completely safe. He blames Nigerians for exporting polio to surrounding nations. The WHO, the world’s leading international health and science agency, is mired in power politics. For example, the Bush administration now restricts communications between the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and WHO officials. A new HHS policy requires the WHO to submit all requests for expert scientific advice to political officials at HHS who will then choose which federal scientists will be permitted to respond. The new policy and two recent Administration decisions to withdraw federal scientists from major international health conferences are part of a disturbing pattern of political interference in global health issues. Antifertility Vaccines and the WHO In March 2004, Haruna Kaita, a pharmaceutical scientist and Dean of Ahmadu Bello University in Zaria, Nigeria, took samples of the controversial WHO’s oral polio vaccine to India for analysis. Evidence of serious vaccine contamination was found. According to a March 11, 2004 report on, Kaita was asked why drug manufacturers would contaminate the oral polio vaccine. He gave three reasons: “These manufacturers or promoters of these harmful things have a secret agenda which only further research can reveal. Secondly they have always taken us in the third world for granted, thinking we don’t have the capacity, knowledge and equipment to conduct tests that would reveal such contaminants. And very unfortunately they also have people to defend their atrocities within our midst, and worst still some of these are supposed to be our own professionals who we rely on to protect our interests.” Dr. Kaita is demanding that “those who imported this fake drug in the name of Polio Vaccines- be prosecuted like any other criminal.” This is not the first time the WHO has been called on the carpet to explain their surreptitious use of antifertility vaccines. Millions of female Mexicans, Nicaraguans and Filipinos were duped into taking tetanus vaccines, some of which were laced with a female hormone that could cause miscarriage and sterilization. In 1995 a Catholic organization called Human Life International accused the WHO of promoting this Canadian-made tetanus vaccine covertly laced with a pregnancy hormone called human choriogonadotropic hormone (HCG). Suspicions were aroused when the tetanus vaccine was prescribed in the peculiar dose of five multiple injections over a three month period, and recommended only to women of child-bearing age. When an unusual number of women experienced vaginal bleeding and miscarriages after the shots, a hormone additive was uncovered as the cause. It is no secret that since the 1970’s the WHO has been testing and funding antifertility vaccine research that would make a woman’s immune system attack and destroy her own babies in the womb. In Geneva in 1989 the WHO sponsored a Symposium on Antifertility Vaccines and Contraceptive Vaccines. Third-world women who received the laced tetanus shots not only developed antibodies to tetanus, but developed dangerous antibodies to the pregnancy HCG hormone as well. Without HCG, growth of the fetus is impaired. Consequently, the WHO’s vaccine served as a covert and unsuspected contraceptive device. Commissioned to analyze the vaccine, the Philippines Medical Association found that 20 percent of the WHO tetanus vaccines were contaminated with the hormone. The WHO has denied all accusations as “completely false and without basis,” and the U.S. media never reported on the controversy. For further details, go to and type-in “WHO + antifertility vaccine”, or “Philippines + antifertility vaccine.” Following an eight month boycott, on June 24, 2004, the recalcitrant Nigerians agreed to resume polio vaccinations, under the conditions the polio vaccine had to be manufactured in Indonesia and nowhere else. The WHO and the Man-Made Theory of AIDS Unlike most Americans, Africans are aware of the man-made theory of AIDS, and the possibility that the WHO’s extensive vaccine programs in Africa in the 1970s are connected to the severe outbreak of AIDS in the early 1980s. On May 11, 1987, The London Times, one of the world’s most respected newspapers, published an explosive article entitled, “Smallpox vaccine triggered AIDS virus.” The story suggested the smallpox eradication vaccine program sponsored by the WHO was responsible for unleashing AIDS in Africa. Almost 100 million Africans living in central Africa were inoculated by the WHO. The vaccine was held responsible for awakening a “dormant” AIDS virus infection on the continent. An advisor to the WHO admitted, “Now I believe the smallpox vaccine theory is the explanation for the explosion of AIDS.” Robert Gallo, M,D., the co-discoverer of HIV, told The Times, “The link between the WHO program and the epidemic is an interesting and important hypothesis. I cannot say that it actually happened, but I have been saying for some years that the use of live vaccines such as that used for smallpox can activate a dormant infection such as HIV.” Despite the tremendous importance of this story, the U.S. media was totally silent on the report, and Gallo never spoke of it again. In September 1987, at a conference sponsored by the National Health Federation in Monrovia, California, William Campbell Douglass, M.D., bluntly blamed the WHO for murdering Africa with the AIDS virus. In a widely circulated reprint of his talk entitled “W.H.O. Murdered Africa” , he accused the organization of encouraging virologists and molecular biologists to work with deadly animal viruses in an attempt to make an immunosuppressive hybrid virus that would be deadly to humans. From the Bulletin of the World Health Organization (Volume 47, p.259, 1972), he quoted a passage that stated: “An attempt should be made to see if viruses can in fact exert selective effects on immune function. The possibility should be looked into that the immune response to the virus itself may be impaired if the infecting virus damages, more or less selectively, the cell responding to the virus.” According to Douglass, “That’s AIDS. What the WHO is saying in plain English is Let’s cook up a virus that selectively destroys the T-cell system of man, an acquired immune deficiency.'” The entire article can be read on (“WHO Murdered Africa”). In his 1989 book, AIDS: The End of Civilization, Douglass claims the WHO laced the African vaccines. He blames “the virologists of the world, the sorcerers who brought us this ghastly plague, and have formed a united front in denying that the virus was laboratory-made from known, lethal animal viruses. The scientific party line is that a monkey in Africa with AIDS bit a native on the butt. The native then went to town and gave it to a prostitute who gave it to a local banker who gave it to his wife and three girl friends, and wham – 75 million people became infected with AIDS in Africa. An entirely preposterous story.” Indeed, in my two books on man-made AIDS – AIDS and the Doctors of Death: An Inquiry into the Origin of the Epidemic (1988) , and in Queer Blood: The Secret AIDS Genocide Plot (1993), there is much evidence to show that throughout the 1970s (the decade that preceded the AIDS outbreak in the U.S. and Africa) there was widespread laboratory transfer of animal viruses, particularly primate/simian/monkey/chimpanzee viruses, by virologists. Various animal viruses were pumped into different species of animals and into all sorts of cell cultures. This experimentation was undertaken to find, create, and develop new cancer-causing and immunosuppressive viruses. It is these species-jumping laboratory primate viruses that are the source of “human” immunodeficiency virus (HIV) – not the animals in the wild in Africa. To researchers who believe whole-heartedly that AIDS is a man-made disease, the evidence is crystal clear that the “primate ancestor virus of HIV” jumped species via contaminated vaccine programs, namely the extensive WHO-sponsored vaccine programs in sub-Saharan Africa during the 1970’s, and the experimental hepatitis B vaccine (1978-1981) that was injected exclusively into gay men just prior to the outbreak of AIDS in America. (More on this later.) Cancer-causing Monkey Viruses and the Polio Vaccine Americans have been told repeatedly that HIV/AIDS is the first time a monkey virus has jumped species to cause a new epidemic called AIDS. But the rarely-publicized truth is that a cancer-causing monkey viruses jumped species a half century ago when contaminated polio vaccines were given to millions of people on the planet, including half the U.S. population of that era. In the early 1960’s it was discovered that some lots of polio vaccines manufactured on rhesus monkey kidney tissue during the period 1955 to 1963 were contaminated with a monkey virus called SV40 (Simian[monkey] virus #40). This primate virus was quickly proven to cause various cancers in experimental animals. However, to this day, U.S. government officials still insist there is no absolute proof that SV40 causes human cancer. Despite the lack of government interest in SV40 in human cancer for three decades, genetic and immunologic studies by independent researchers over the past decade indicate this virus is clearly associated with human cancer, such as rapidly-fatal cancers of the lung (mesothelioma), bone marrow cancer (multiple myeloma), brain tumors in children, and other forms of cancer. A Washington Times report (09/21/03) indicates “Some of the polio vaccine given to millions of American children from 1962 until 2000 could have been contaminated with a monkey virus that shows up in some cancers, according to documents and testimony to be delivered to a House committee Wednesday. The vaccine manufacturer said such claims don’t have any validity,’ and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) agrees. Documents set to be delivered to the House Subcommittee on Human Rights and Wellness appear to show that the original “seeds” used to produce the Sabin [oral] vaccine could have been tainted with SV40; that the company that manufactured the vaccine, Wyeth Lederle, may have used Rhesus monkeys — which are more likely to carry the disease — rather than the African Green monkeys it says it used, according to company documents; and that the company may not have performed all of the screening tests required.” Stanley P Kops is a lawyer who represents children and adults damaged by polio vaccines. He has documentation indicating that the polio virus “seeds” from which the oral vaccine is made are still not proven to be free of SV40. In his article entitled “Oral polio vaccine and human cancer: a reassessment of SV40 as a contaminant based upon legal documents”, appearing in the journal Anticancer Research (November 2000), Kops states: “In litigation involving the Lederle oral polio vaccine, the manufacturer’s internal documents failed to reveal such removal [of SV40] in all of the seeds. The absence of confirmatory testing of the seeds, as well as testimony of a Lederle manager, indicate that this claim of removal of SV40 and the testing for SV40 in all the seeds cannot be fully substantiated. These legal documents and testimony indicate that the scientific community should not be content with prior assumptions that SV40 could not have been in the oral polio vaccine. Only further investigation by outside scientific and independent researchers who can review the test results claimed in the January 1997 meeting and who can conduct their own independent evaluations by testing all the seeds and individual mono-valent pools will assure that SV40 has not been present in commercially sold oral poliovirus vaccine manufactured by Lederle.” More information on Kops, SV40, and polio litigation can be found at More than 600 million doses of polio vaccine were sold by Lederle from 1963 to 1999. On Jan. 1, 2000, the CDC recommended injections of an inactivated killed polio vaccine (IPV) that eliminates the risk of spreading the disease, unlike the oral live polio vaccine that had been used for decades. This prompted Lederle to get out of the polio vaccine business, and the last batch of Orimune was produced on Dec. 31, 1999. For anyone who still thinks that vaccine makers and government health officials are always your friend, I would highly recommend a just-published book titled AIDS. The Virus and the Vaccine: The True Story of a Cancer-Causing Monkey Virus, Contaminated Polio Vaccine, and the Millions of Americans Exposed, by Debbie Bookchin and Jim Schumacher. The book explores the history of the polio vaccine, the contamination problems with SV40 , the ensuing vaccine-related cancer problems, and the government’s cover-up of the problem over the past three decades. Few people realize how dangerous vaccines can be and how complicated the process of vaccine manufacture really is, particularly when vaccines are made on living animal or human cells. Contamination with bacteria and viruses and their elimination from the final product are constant problems during the process. There are also recent suspicions that the laboratory media used to feed and nourish the cell cultures upon which the virus is grown may also be a source of contamination. For further details on the dangers of vaccines, see “Are Vaccines Causing More Diseases than they are Curing?” ( The Polio Vaccine/ Primate Virus Connection to African AIDS In a 1,070 page book published in 1999, entitled The River: A Journey to the Source of HIV and AIDS, Edward Hooper claims a 1950’s polio vaccine made using monkey (and possibly chimp) kidneys, contained the ancestor virus of HIV which now infects millions of Africans. Hooper’s research greatly expands the polio vaccine man-made theory of AIDS first reported by Tom Curtis in Rolling Stone magazine in 1992. When Curtis asked the ubiquitous David Heymann whether the 1950’s polio vaccine might have contributed to the outbreak, the WHO official declared: “The origin of the AIDS virus is of no importance to science today. Any speculation on how it arose is of no importance.” Quite an amazing response from a man currently responsible for administering a possibly contaminated live oral polio vaccine to Africa’s children. Hooper’s book got extensive press coverage, greatly upsetting the AIDS establishment which has always viewed any suggestion of AIDS as a man-made disease as hysteria, paranoia or “conspiracy theory.” Similarly, my two decades of man-made AIDS research linking AIDS to 1970’s vaccine, as well as two books on the subject, were dismissed by Hooper in a sentence in a footnote on page 897. Not surprisingly, Hooper’s vaccine theory was totally discredited the following year by AIDS scientists and WHO officials at a Conference held in London to debate the origin of AIDS, although Hooper still actively promotes his theory on the internet. The retesting of the old 1950’s polio vaccine showed no evidence of a chimp virus. The molecular biologists also came down hard on Hopper with their “genetic sequencing data” suggesting HIV first entered the human population in the 1930’s. (For details, google “2000 London Origin of AIDS.”) Why it took HIV a half-century to produce an epidemic was not made clear, nor was there any discussion as to how a black heterosexual African disease could have transformed itself exclusively into a white gay man’s disease in Manhattan. Or why the epidemic broke out first in America in 1979 and was only uncovered five years later in Africa. Oral Polio Vaccine and Immunodeficiency The public frequently receives bad news about AIDS in Africa. Millions are dying, millions are infected with HIV, and millions of children are left as orphans. And this is just the AIDS part of the various horrors connected with Africa. Africans question why they are being given the oral form of the polio vaccine (OPV) when this form was removed from the market in America in January 2000. The inactivated and killed polio virus vaccine (IPV) cannot cause polio, but the live OPV is indeed capable of causing (although rarely) paralytic polio. Equally dangerous is that OPV recipients shed live polio virus, which is entirely capable of spreading polio to unvaccinated and unprotected others. However, the oral form of the vaccine is the only form recommended by health officials for outbreaks of polio epidemics. Even if the IPV vaccine were effective, the cost would be prohibitive. A 5cc. vial (enough to adequately inoculate 3 children with three separate injections) is $US 300. Is this form of the vaccine totally safe? The expensive IPV is thought to contain newly-discovered nanobacteria, which have been linked to various diseases. The Vaccine web site claims nanobacteria have been found to be a contaminant in previously assumed-to-be-sterile medical products, specifically the IPV Polio Vaccine. Most human biologicals and vaccines are made in fetal bovine (cow) serum, a medium known to be contaminated with nanobacteria, as reported May 23rd, 2001, at the 101st General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. Bad vaccine reactions are increased in the presence of HIV, immunodeficiency and malnutrition, which is purportedly common in sub-Saharan Africans. So why is this not being considered? Will the WHO’s live oral vaccine awaken more “dormant” HIV? Nowhere could I find this question being asked by WHO officials or other scientists. The WHO vaccine for Africa (except parts of Nigeria) is made by Aventis Pasteur, a multinational pharmaceutical company headquartered in France. In 2003 Aventis donated 30 million doses to the program. The Origin of AIDS and Monkey Business A google search of the “origin of AIDS” lists an overwhelming 796,000 citations. However, there are essentially three major theories of AIDS origin. The AIDS establishment believes unanimously in the “official” monkey out-of-Africa theory. Second is Hooper’s polio vaccine origin, now largely discredited or ignored. And third is the never-discussed “conspiracy theory” that HIV was deliberately seeded into gay and black African populations as a covert depopulation experiment with genocidal overtones. Until 1999, it was widely believed that the African Green Monkey was the source of HIV. This theory was highly touted by Robert Gallo, the world’s most famous AIDS researcher, who had done extensive animal virus research forcing (“jumping”) primate viruses between species in the Special Virus Cancer Program (1964-1980) in the years just before the AIDS outbreak. In 1975 Gallo reported on a “new” and “human” HL23 virus, which eventually proved to be three contaminating ape viruses (gibbon-ape virus, simian sarcoma virus, and baboon endogenous virus). Gallo claims he has no idea how these viruses contaminated his laboratory [Queer Blood, p47]. For more information on pre-AIDS primate virus research, google “primate research + Special Virus Cancer Program.” In 1999 there was renewed interest in the origin of AIDS. A media blitz surrounded the finding of a team of researchers headed by Beatrice Hahn, M,D,, at the University of Alabama. Viral studies on three African chimps in the wild, and on the corpse of a frozen chimp named Marilyn, found accidentally in a freezer at Fort Detrick (the Army’s biowarfare unit), all indicated a common subspecies of chimp was the animal source “most closely” related to HIV. Hahn theorized the epidemic started when a hunter cut himself which butchering chimp meat and subsequently became infected. For details, google “Beatrice Hahn + Marilyn”. Hahn is no stranger to primate theories, having worked in Gallo’s lab when he was heavily promoting the green monkey theory in the mid-1980’s. Her publicized 1999 AIDS origin research, based on genetic and molecular evidence, was quickly accepted as gospel by the AIDS establishment. In 2003 she presented further details of her primate research, which was again touted in the media. This time her findings were even more impenetrable (at least to me). The most popular origin of AIDS web site ( summarizes Hahn’s most recent findings in this way: “The findings of this 10-year long research into the origin and evolution of HIV by Paul Sharp of Nottingham University and Beatrice Hahn of the University of Alabama were published in 2003. They concluded that wild chimps became infected simultaneously with two simian immunodeficiency viruses (SIVs) which had viral sex’ to form a third virus capable of infecting humans and causing AIDS. Professor Sharp and his colleagues discovered that the chimp virus was an amalgam of the SIV infecting red-capped mangabeys and the virus found in greater spot-nosed monkeys. They believe that the hybridization took place inside chimps that had become infected with both strains of SIV after hunting and killing the two smaller species of monkey.” American AIDS and the Gay Hepatitis B Experiments (1978-1981) Due to space requirements it is not possible to give all the evidence pointing to AIDS as a man-made disease. However, a Google search of “man-made AIDS” lists 135,000 citations (not bad for a “conspiracy theory”!) and most of my published research on the subject can be found on the internet (“alan cantwell + man-made AIDS”). It is my view that the origin of AIDS cannot be determined without some reasonable (and not homophobic) explanation of how AIDS originated in America exclusively in young, predominantly white, previously healthy gay men in Manhattan, beginning in 1979. To my knowledge, there is no evidence to show that American AIDS originated in Africa. Furthermore, the virus “strain” of HIV in the U.S. is totally different from African strains. This finding has led AIDS researcher Max Essex of Harvard (and co-discoverer of HIV) to suggest that there may be two separate HIV-1 epidemics – one in which subtype B [the American strain] predominates and that is spread by blood and homosexual sex, and a second involving the other HIV-1 subtypes and primarily vaginal sex [as seen in Africa]. ( The onset of the “gay plague” and “gay cancer” (in the form of Kaposi’s sarcoma) are clearly associated with the hepatitis B vaccine trials which used young gay men as guinea pigs during the years 1978-1981. A few months after the first group of men were injected in the experiment in Manhattan at the New York Blood Center, the first cases of “gay-related immune deficiency” were reported to the CDC. The experimental hepatitis B vaccine was developed in chimpanzees, the animal species now thought to harbor “the ancestor of HIV.” Never mentioned by proponents of the chimp out-of-Africa theory is the fact that the New York Blood Center established a chimp virus laboratory in West Africa in 1974. One of the purposes of VILAB II, at the Liberian Institute for Biomedical Research in Robertsfield, Liberia, was to develop the human hepatitis B vaccine in chimps. The lab prides itself by releasing “rehabilitated” chimps back into the wild. Also closely allied to the “pre-AIDS” development of the hepatitis B vaccine is the little publicized primate colony outside New York City called LEMSIP (the Laboratory for Experimental Medicine and Surgery). Until disbanded in 1997, LEMSIP supplied New York area scientists with primates and primate parts for transplantation and virus research. Founded in 1965, LEMSIP was affiliated with the NYU Medical Center, where the first cases of AIDS-associated Kaposi’s sarcoma were discovered in 1979. HIV tests of the stored gay men’s blood from the hepatitis experiment at the New York Blood Center reveals that 6% of the men were HIV-positive in 1979! By 1981, the year the AIDS epidemic became “official”, 20% of the men were positive! By 1984, 40% were positive! This means that this group had a spectacularly higher rate of HIV than any group in Africa during the same period – and at a time when AIDS cases were not even recognized or noted in Africa. It is clear that there is overwhelming molecular and genetic evidence to tie SV40 related cancer cases to the SV40 contamination of polio vaccines. Yet government health officials refuse to accept this research on the grounds of “not enough evidence” and “contamination problems” connected with SV40 testing (See Bookchin and Schumaker’s book). On the other hand, AIDS experts try to convince us that a molecular HIV test on a dried-up blood specimen taken from an unknown black man in the Congo in 1959 is strong “proof” that human HIV cases existed in Africa back in 1959!! To me, the explanation for this absurdity and inconsistency in science is simple: The government does NOT want people to question the safety of vaccines, and it wants to blame Africans and African monkeys for a disease that is most likely caused by covert primate virus contaminated vaccine experiments, that undoubtedly still continue to this day. For more documentation of covert and unethical government-sponsored human experimentation , read In the Name of Science: A History of Secret Programs, Medical Research, and Human Experimentation [2003] by Andrew Goliszek. AIDS scientists accept the fact that HIV was “introduced” into gays, but do not publicize the fact that a second virus – the Kaposi’s sarcoma virus, also known as human herpes virus-8- was also introduced into gays at the time of the gay vaccine experiments. Are two new viruses just another “accident of Mother Nature”? Two decades after the KS virus was “introduced” into gay men, it is now a permanent virus in the blood supply, which is beginning (like SV40) to appear in association with certain cancers. Twenty percent of “healthy” Texas blood donors now carry antigens to the KS virus in their blood. As many as 40% of Caribbean men with prostate cancer also carry the virus. More details on the KS virus and the role of bacteria in KS cancer and other cancers can be found in “Acid-fast Bacteria Discovered in Prostate Cancer” (; and in my book The Cancer Microbe: The Hidden Killer in Cancer, AIDS, and other Immune Diseases. It is clear to me that AIDS science is highly selective. Scientists who support the African origin of AIDS are heralded. Scientists and researchers who support the man-made, laboratory origin of AIDS are ignored as “conspiracy theorists” or crackpots. The Revenge of the Monkeys AIDS scientists blame AIDS on promiscuity, homosexuality, dirty needles, drugs, air travel, etc,, but never once do they seriously consider themselves responsible in any way for the AIDS holocaust. Scientists quickly obscured the primate virus origin of AIDS by calling it the “human” immunodeficiency virus, a clever attempt to accentuate the “human” quality rather than calling it by its real name -a simian (primate) immunodeficiency virus. Better to advise people to not transmit a human virus, than to remind them they are spreading an animal virus of dubious origin. On the altar of science the primate populations of Africa are dwindling to extinction. And the ultimate blame for AIDS is placed on primates who cannot speak for themselves. Over the decades millions of animals have been sacrificed for their kidneys and other organs to make vaccines which are now creating new plagues of incurable AIDS and cancer and new emerging diseases which in turn demand more animal sacrifice to make more vaccines and drugs.. Monkeys, chimps, apes, gorillas, and human beings are all classified as “primates.” “Human primates” and “non-human primates” share 99% of the same DNA. Yet, we treat them all as disposable beings, locking them up in increasingly large numbers as slaves of science in animal gulags called “primate centers” for the sole purpose of using them and their children as hapless research tools. As a physician, I am not against animal experimentation. However, I am against foolish and excessive and dangerous animal experiments that expose millions, perhaps billions of people, to disease and death from contaminated vaccines and insane biological warfare creations. I do not believe we can exterminate countless animals for our selfish purposes without some sort of reckoning. What goes around, comes around. Will the monkeys and the chimps get their revenge?. It’s obvious it is already happening. AIDS is depopulating the planet. Mad cow disease is a concern. SARS is yet another deadly emerging disease. The list goes on and on. There is no indication things will get better. Only worse. Isn’t it time we get over our fantasy that slaughtering these animals will somehow help us attain better health?. Deadly HIV and SV40 virus from primates have already co-mingled with our human genetic material, changing our collective gene pool forever. How many more people will have to die as a result of our lab atrocities and our scientific ignorance? The more animals we kill for science, the more people will die from “emerging” laboratory viruses. Admittedly this is a hard concept to understand and accept when we have been conditioned to believe that abusing and killing animals for science is in our best interest. |
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